15 Tips for Writing Killer Sales Copy

Published in
4 min readJan 9, 2018

Author: R.L. Adams / Source: Entrepreneur

15 Tips for Writing Killer Sales Copy

In business, there are few things that can guarantee your success as much as a persuasive sales letter. It can make all the difference between success and failure. Seriously. They do. And if you’re among the very small minority in this world of copywriters who can write highly persuasive sales copy, you’re likely very rich. It’s true. The people who’ve mastered this area in business are usually the proverbial cream of the crop.

Now, if you’re just sitting down to write an effective sales letter, you’re probably wondering what some of the best copywriting tips might be for getting the point across and clinching the sale. While there are hundreds of potential tips, there are only about 15 that matter the most. However, these tips don’t come from me. I’ve garnered them from two legends in the copywriting game.

To me, the two best copywriters in the world are Frank Kern and Dan Kennedy. These are two individuals that I admire most. Not because of what they’ve achieved. But, because of this skill that I hold near and dear to my heart. The ability to write compelling and killer sales copy that will sell anything is so vital in business. Some get that. But, most people don’t.

However, when you step away and analyze things, you’ll realize that it’s all in the copy. Your ability to drive traffic, engage customers, move them through your sales funnels and to ultimately clinch the sale is all in the copy. If it’s not compelling, you’re wasting your time.

Now, you don’t need to be the world’s best copywriter to make money online. But, you do need to follow some copywriting tips that will help you convince the prospect to buy whatever it is that you’re offering. After all, that’s what marketing boils down to. If you can do that, especially in the beginning, you’ll be far ahead of the proverbial curve.

What are the best copywriting tips?

I’ve thought long about this. As an agile writer, I’m often tasked with writing in different capacities. Sometimes I’ll write product descriptions for my ecommerce businesses. Sometimes I’ll write articles to help drive organic search traffic. And other times, I’ll write email sequences and sales letters. Stepping back, I had to look at it all and think about the best tips that have helped me write killer and persuasive copy.

But, to really do that, I had to go back to my roots. No, not to Dave Ogilvy. To Kennedy and Kern. What were they doing in their copy that was so compelling? After picking it apart, and delving into my own, I found 15 of what I look at as the core tips for writing the best copy possible.

1. Keep it simple

There’s a tendency to complicate when you write. However, if you’re serious about winning over your audience, you have to keep it simple. Not dumb it down. There’s a difference here. Keeping it simple means that the core concepts that you get across have to be delivered with clarity.

You can’t persuade people to buy from you when you make things too complex for the audience that you’re serving. Give it to them in bite-sized pieces that they can understand. Don’t use long run-on sentences. Be succinct and to the point. Use adjective-rich sensory copy that invokes sights and sounds and smells even.

2. Do your due diligence

If you’re writing copy, you need to do your due diligence. Depending on the overall subject matter, you need to understand what you’re talking about. What makes your products or services better than your competitor’s? What are some research studies you can reference?

Imagine this like mining for gold. You need to drill and excavate and blast through a tremendous amount of rock before you can find veins of gold. Once found, you chip away, uncovering more and more. Do this until you have carts full of fine gold you can polish and present to your audience. The more tenacious you are as a researcher, the better you’ll get at copywriting.

3. Use sexy subject lines

Don’t be boring. Don’t be boring. Don’t be boring. Yes. I said it enough times. But, how many people follow this credo? If you want people to open your emails or read your sales letters or watch your video sales letters, you can’t be boring. Instead, you have to present sexy subject lines that will grab the reader’s attention and keep them there.

How do you do that? You do it in a number of ways:

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