28 Twitter Statistics All Marketers Need to Know in 2018

Published in
3 min readJan 18, 2018

Author: Christina Newberry / Source: Hootsuite Social Media Management

Twitter statistics

When crafting a marketing strategy, data is your best friend. Knowing exactly who is using a particular social network — and what they’re looking for when they do — is key to creating a social presence that creates engagement, brand awareness, and even sales.

Here, we dig deep to uncover all of the most important Twitter stats for social media marketers, so you can plan and execute a Twitter marketing plan that works for your brand.

Bonus: Download the free strategy guide that reveals how Hootsuite grew our Twitter following to over 7 million users and learn how you can put the tactics to work for your business.

Twitter users

Here are the stats you need to know about who Twitter users are, so you can determine how best to engage them.

1. There are about 330 million of them

Twitter has 330 million monthly active users (MAUs), about a four percent increase over last year.

2. They’re global

With more than 40 languages supported, perhaps it’s not surprising that only 69 million of those 330 million MAUs are located in the United States, while 261 million (a whopping 79 percent) are international. Twitter supports those international users with more than 35 offices around the world.

All that said, don’t disregard Twitter’s impact in the United States: 21 percent of American adults use the network.

3. They’re likely to be millennials

Thirty-six percent of Americans aged 18 to 29 years old use Twitter, more than any other age group. Usage drops as age increases, with 22 percent of those aged 30 to 49 using the service, 18 percent of 50- to 64-year-olds, and just 6 percent of those aged 65 and up.

Twitter itself says that 80 percent of its users are “affluent millennials.”

4. Many are in college or have a college degree

Twenty-eight percent of Americans with a college degree use Twitter, compared to 24 percent of those with some college education and 14 percent of those with a high school diploma or less. Among those who use Twitter to get their news, 45 percent have a college degree. This aligns well with the fact that…

5. They’re likely to have above-average income

Thirty percent of Americans who earn $75,000 or more use Twitter, compared to 26 percent of those who earn between $50,000 and $74,999, 16 percent of those who earn between $30,000 and $49,999, and 18 percent of those who earn less than $30,000 per year.

6. They’re evenly split by gender

The same percentage of American men and women use Twitter: 21 percent.

7. They’re slightly more likely to live in the city

Slightly more urban Americans use Twitter than their rural and suburban counterparts. Twenty-two percent of American city-dwellers use Twitter compared to 21 percent of suburbanites and 19 percent of rural Americans.

8. They’re app users

Fifty-eight percent of surveyed Twitter users had installed an app in the last month.

Twitter usage statistics

Here’s what you need to know about how people are using Twitter, so you can understand what kind of messaging is most likely to connect with their needs.

9. Users access the service on the go

Eighty percent of Twitter users access the network on mobile platforms, and 93 percent of Twitter video views happen on mobile.

10. They Tweet like crazy

It’s been some time since Twitter updated its official Tweets per day figure. The last update was three years ago, when the company said that people send more than 500 million Tweets per day. Since then, the company has simply referred to “hundreds of millions” of Tweets per day. Either way, that’s a lot of Tweets.

11. But they search even more

Twitter serves more than two billion search queries per day, according to recent developer job postings.

12. They access Twitter regularly

Forty-two percent of Twitter users access the app…

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