3 Criteria for Selecting the Best Case Studies for Your Talk

Published in
2 min readAug 9, 2017

Author: Dustin Mathews / Source: Entrepreneur

3 Criteria for Selecting the Best Case Studies for Your Talk

We remember people who tell stories because, as psychologists and neuroscientists tell us, stories form the basis of how we think, organize and remember information. Stories can also move people emotionally and motivate them to buy.

It may surprise you to learn it’s not about your company telling your story. In story-based presentations, the target customer is always the protagonist.

Make the customer the hero of your story, with you simply playing a role in your customer’s story, and you’ll get the desired reaction from your audience — being memorable and creating deeper engagement and sales.

The protagonist of a story needs to be someone we relate to, care about and want to see succeed.

Here are the first three criteria for selecting your best case studies to engage your audience:

1. Find a story that fits like a glove.

Here’s the thing with finding the best stories for your presentation: You must do your research. When you put your time in and do your research, you’ll know which stories will become more compelling and relevant to your audience.

Your research should include a study of your audience’s background and needs. You can ask the promoter of the event, or you can review the prior year’s event to get a good grasp of the attendee profile. A great tip is to search for old hashtags from previous events to get a sense of the type of people that will attend your presentation.

2. Embrace diversity while staying relevant.

Analyze the event to find out who the other speakers are and get a good understanding of who the companies and organizers are. Facebook and LinkedIn are wonderful places to do this research so you can build audience profiles that will help…

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