3 Marketing Strategies to Maximize Your Social Media Efforts

Published in
1 min readJan 5, 2018

Author: Karen Cordaway / Source: Business 2 Community

Marketing strategies are all over the web. It can be daunting to figure out what works the best for you. We know that clients aren’t just going to fall out of the sky and land in our lap.

Here are some ideas to help you plot out the marketing strategies that are the right fit for what you offer.

  1. Get the ball rolling

Social media can help fill your sales funnel according to Amanda Parent of SocialMediaWorldWide.com. Parent emphasizes using the platforms to first create awareness. She explains that the target market needs to realize that they have a problem and you’re the person that can solve it. Providing enough free value is key. It entices potential clients to consider working with you.

In doing this, they may see what the competition has to offer too. That is a part of the “consideration stage.” They are determining whether or not you are the person they should choose to work with to solve their problem. If you are, conversion takes place when your lead becomes a customer.

She goes on to say that social media works well for the awareness and consideration stages. Converting leads to customers happens most effectively through sales calls, webinars, events and sales pages. She also adds, “When starting on social media, the platform to use depends on the business and target audience.” Be sure you’re on the right platform for the best results….

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