5 Content Marketing Ideas for February 2018

Published in
2 min readJan 3, 2018

Author: Armando Roggio / Source: Practical eCommerce

Valentine’s Day dominates the retail calendar in February, driving more than $18 billion in consumer purchases in the United States alone, including, by some accounts, $5.4 billion in ecommerce sales.

Valentine’s Day spending often includes dinner out, movie tickets, and flowers. But there is still plenty of opportunity for online retailers. The challenge is in how to attract those purchases. One solution is content marketing.

In February, produce and distribute content — articles, videos, podcasts, and similar — to attract, engage, and retain customers. When you give shoppers valuable content that is useful, informative, or entertaining, many will reciprocate with purchases and loyalty.

This reciprocation is, in fact, why content marketing can be so effective. Your company’s useful content helps build a relationship with your customers that may lead to sales.

1. Valentine’s Day: February 14

Valentine’s Day can be a high-pressure holiday for some American shoppers.

Depending on how serious someone’s significant other takes the holiday, a lot has to go almost perfectly on February 14. Content marketers can help folks enjoy the holiday and be a bit less stressed.

Date night on Valentine's Day can be a big event for some couples. Offer tips and recommendations to help the folks who read or watch your content have an enjoyable evening.
Date night on Valentine’s Day can be a big event for some couples. Offer tips and recommendations to help the folks who read or watch your content have an enjoyable evening.

Offer your audience members tips and recommendations that will help them get date night right. Here are a few ideas.

  • An apparel retailer might publish a list of suitable restaurants in New York, Chicago, and San Diego, including tips for when to make a reservation, what to order from the menu, and (remember this is an apparel retailer) what to wear.
  • An online luggage store could post suggestions for Valentine’s Day vacations. If a shopper lives in Boston, where Valentine’s Day can be a snowy mess, a tip about a getaway to Bermuda will be a welcome read. In 2017, Americans reportedly spent $4.9 billion on…

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