5 Email Marketing Tips to Try This Week

Published in
2 min readAug 17, 2017

Author: Armando Roggio / Source: Practical eCommerce

Email marketing is one of the most powerful tools an ecommerce business can use to increase sales.

Depending on who you ask, email marketing can generate a return on investment between a few dollars for every $1 invested and a phenomenal 43,000 percent. The difference in email’s reported performance may have something to do with execution.

The best online sellers can use an email message, which costs just a few dollars to send, to produce tens of thousands of dollars in sales.

A simple email marketing message can generate tens of thousands of dollars in sales.
A simple email marketing message can generate tens of thousands of dollars in sales.

Here are five email marketing tips you can use to boost your business this week.

1. Use a Cart Abandonment Series

By some accounts, a shopping cart abandonment email series can boost ecommerce sales 35 percent or more. But perhaps less than a quarter of online sellers actually use this tool.

A shopping cart abandonment series works by sending a known shopper — someone whose email address you have — a message when that shopper leaves items in an ecommerce shopping cart.

There are a few requisites.

  • Your ecommerce and email platforms must be integrated.
  • You need to know the shopper’s email address.
  • You should have a reasonable amount of site traffic (maybe 5,000 visitors a month).

While there is not necessarily a “formula” for the perfect shopping cart abandonment series, consider at least three messages, such as.

  • One hour after abandonment remind the shopper about the order.
  • 12 hours after abandonment offer to address questions or concerns.
  • 24 hours after abandonment make a free shipping or discounted price offer.

Your email service provider likely has a tutorial showing how to set up an abandoned cart email series.

2. Create a ‘First Purchase’ Email Series

Repeat, returning customers are worth a lot more to your ecommerce business than one-buy-wonders who arrive at your site from Google, make a single purchase, and never…

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