Agile Approaches for Marketers: A #CMWorld Chat with Andrea Fryrear

Published in
1 min readAug 10, 2017

Author: Monina Wagner / Source:

Are you looking for a better way to manage your team and processes? Agile marketing may be for you. What do marketers need to know about Agile and its approach? We discussed with Fox Content Services Founder Andrea Fryrear on a recent #CMWorld Twitter chat.

The following is a recap of our discussion. Want to learn more from our community on the topic? Check out our Storify page.

What’s in it for us?

The benefits of Agile are still largely untapped by marketing teams. So why should marketers care about Agile? Fryrear has said Agile can offer a “path back to sanity” for overwhelmed and overworked marketers. Practicing Agile means producing work better and faster.

A2: In an agile setup, marketing focus &…

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