Are Any of These 5 Reasonable (but Wrong) Fears Holding You Back?

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2 min readSep 5, 2017

Author: Jerod Morris / Source: Copyblogger

Let’s get something important out of the way:

It’s okay to have fears.

Actually, it can be good to have fears.

Especially when it comes to any kind of entrepreneurial venture.

  • Fear can keep you working hard.
  • Fear can keep you asking the right questions.
  • Fear can keep you from taking any success for granted.

These are all good things.

The flip side of fear though, as you well know, is that when fears are not kept in check with logic and rational thought, they can lead to us withdrawing from worthwhile activities or quitting before we’ve completed a goal.

Which brings us to the intersection of fear and digital commerce

If the thought of building your own online business around digital products and services doesn’t scare you a little bit, check your pulse.

Because such an ambitious objective, and the hard work it will take to get there, should scare you a bit. But as long as that fear is channeled into the positive bullet points listed above, it’s all good.

Here’s what isn’t all good …

When one of the five fears listed below holds you back from pursuing the freedom and financial opportunity of your own entrepreneurial endeavor with digital products.

While the fears we’re about to discuss are reasonable to experience, that doesn’t make it reasonable to succumb to them. For these fears can be overcome by attacking their soft underbelly with logic, reason, and the proven experience of others.

Let’s take a minute now and shine an important light on these five fears, to bring them out of the darkness and into the light of day … where they don’t stand a chance.

To help you fight each fear, I’ve included an essential episode of Brian Clark’s podcast Unemployable as a bonus. Listen to give your brain some important inputs that will provide necessary balance to your current thinking.

Fear #1: Building a digital business will cost too much money

Yes, building a digital business will cost you some money — website infrastructure costs, training costs, etc.

But if something costs you, say, $500 over the course of a year, and you generate, say, $3,000 during that year, is the cost really what’s most important?

Don’t let the fear of investing some money now blind you from the many different avenues to revenue and profit that digital products present.

How to fight this fear: 8 Ways Startups Can Make Money with an Online Audience

Fear #2: Building a digital business will take too much time

Yes, building a digital…

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