Automatic Insights: How AI and Machine Learning Improve Customer Service

Published in
2 min readDec 29, 2017

Author: Brian Hughes / Source: Entrepreneur

Automatic Insights: How AI and Machine Learning Improve Customer Service

Artificial intelligence, or AI, iallows computer systems to automatically recognize and perform certain jobs that formerly would have required human intervention. If you’ve ever loaded a new image into the photos application on your computer and had it instantly recognize the faces of every person there, you’ve seen the power of AI on display.

Machine learning, on the other hand, takes things one step farther and allows computer systems to essentially learn and improve from experience — without necessarily being programmed to do so. Using the same example as above, say you load an image into the photos app and tag a photo of yourself and your significant other.

When you load another photo featuring the two of you into the app a few weeks later, it will nstantly recognize you and display your names — without you doing anything manually. It will continue to recognize you in additional photos uploaded in the future. This is the power of machine learning on display.

So, if computers can perform tasks that used to require human interaction (as with AI) and get more effective at this the longer they perform those tasks (as with machine learning, you’re probably getting a picture of the broader implications of this technology for business.

AI + machine learning = automatic insights

In an enterprise environment, concepts like AI and machine learning are usually small but significant parts of the more recognizable concept of business analytics. To be successful, a brand needs to know as much as possible about the people it is trying to serve. The good news is that those customers are creating massive amounts of data at all times; in fact, more data has been created in the last two years than all the data accumulated up to that point.

Unfortunately, that’s also the bad news — because pulling anything meaningful from this mountain of information becomes an uphill battle, to say the least. However, that’s where AI and machine learning come…

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