Effective Social Media Ads: How to Leverage AI-Assisted Creativity

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2 min readJan 4, 2018

Author: Quantifi [Sponsored Content] / Source: MarketingProfs

The power of social media continues to transform how brands engage their target audiences. It’s also placed a burden on them to be “always on.” And brands, for the most part, are responding to customer demand. Some 42% of customer service responses made through Facebook, for instance, are answered in the first 60 minutes.

But that’s just one element of customer engagement. Marketers are still looking for solutions that allow them to create, test, and choose the most effective social media ads — and AI is making it possible. AI and machine-learning can achieve two goals: help marketers make better ads, faster; and make those ads more engaging through creative.

The power of creative is underrated. But an assist from AI can do more than just reveal information about top-performing creative — it can also give marketers more freedom to be creative in how they engage with customers through advertising on social media.

By testing various creative treatments, prioritizing the role creative plays in ads, and choosing the right tools for ad creation, marketers can do more of what they do best: offer creative solutions to their customers and prospects.

The Utility of Creativity

A picture might be worth a thousand words, but the right images in social ads can convert prospects to customers.

It’s already been proven that social ads with visuals are more impactful than text alone: On Twitter, tweets with images receive 18% more clicks than tweets without images. And video can be even more powerful: Four times as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product than read about it.

Creative, therefore, is the most important element of social ads. Accordingly, creative is also the element that should be tested most.

Building social ads with several creative treatments is just one step of many. The first step should be looking at past ads to see what performed best among target audiences. That data, paired with research on creative trends for various social channels, is a great start toward crafting effective and engaging ads.

But how can AI accelerate the creative process? By making data analysis faster and more accurate.

Analyzing data from earlier ads, trends from current ads across channels, and…

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