Elon Musk Found Out That $90 Million Isn’t Too Much to Pay for Priceless Publicity

Published in
1 min readFeb 7, 2018

Author: Nina Zipkin / Source: Entrepreneur

While the payload of SpaceX’s inaugural test flight of the Falcon Heavy Rocket — Elon Musk’s red Tesla roadster carrying a dummy outfitted in a spacesuit — was initially headed for Mars’s orbit, the rocket’s third burn was so effective that the vehicle kept going to the asteroid belt in between the red planet and Jupiter.

Third burn successful. Exceeded Mars orbit and kept going to the Asteroid Belt. pic.twitter.com/bKhRN73WHF

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 7, 2018

It seems that even though the trajectory is not what was planned, the vehicle, which was outfitted with a special message for anyone who might come across it — “Made on Earth by humans” — the payload could end up paying off back on its home planet.

Sandy Rubinstein, the CEO of DXagency, tells Entrepreneur that the idea to have a Tesla vehicle be the payload was a brilliant one. “The amount of web traffic [and] consumer excitement from the images of the vehicle ascending and…

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