Finding the Right Balance in Social Media

Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2017

Author: Susan Gilbert / Source: Business 2 Community

The Output-Input Balancing Act of Social Networking

Find the Right Balance in Social Media - Output-Input Balancing Act

Have you ever been part of a conversation where one person is doing all of the talking? You can’t get a word in edgewise and you find a way to leave as soon as possible.

The same thing happens in our online networking on social media. There are some rules of etiquette that are understood by most participants that some just don’t get — like the person who controls the conversation or an over-enthusiastic salesman who won’t let you say “no thanks.”

It’s a balancing act, trying to fit a fair amount of “sales” talk in with just being a person and sharing your thoughts. But the golden rule applies here: treat others the way you would like to be treated.

The goal of being active on social media should above all be about people and making meaningful, lasting relationships with them. And there are a few things to take a look at while building your community:

Who you are networking with

It’s so important to have the right followers in your community — not just a large number. In order to attract the right audience your business needs to be where they are, whether at offline meeting events, in webinars, live video, Twitter chats, etc. As…

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