How Email Marketing Can Help Build Your Brand

Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2018

Author: Kimberly de Silva / Source: Entrepreneur

Email marketing is a great way to welcome subscribers, nurture relationships with them, build trust and engage them.

How Email Marketing Can Help Build Your Brand

This story originally appeared on Bizness Apps

While writing a letter never grows old, emails have taken over the concept of sending both personal and professional messages to make communication quick and immediate. The average number of emails sent and received on a daily basis has reached 269 billion. This statistic is enough to tell you the potential of an email.

With the right choice of marketing channels, brands can not only chance upon the right set of target audience but also improve their chances of converting prospects into customers. Email marketing is the choicest channel to build awareness, grab attention and convert prospects. It helps you segment your marketing content, reach out individually and personalize your communication based on your relationship with the recipient.

In this blog post, we will uncover how email marketing helps to:

  • Improve brand recognition
  • Increase customer retention
  • Establish authority
  • Boost relationships

1. Improve brand recognition

Brand recognition is “the extent to which the general public (or an organization’s target market) is able to identify a brand by its attributes.” So when you send out emails to your subscribers, make sure to include your brand’s logo and other visual signifiers in the email. The brand colors and graphics should be consistent in every email sent out, in order to help the audience instantly recognize an email sent out by your company. The brand attributes lead to increased awareness, which in turn attracts customers towards your brand’s products and services. If they need to pick between two brands for the same product — one they recognize, the other they’ve never heard of — you can count on them picking the one they know.

The emails that can improve brand recognition include newsletters. A newsletter updates your customer on the current happenings and upcoming events and helps the brand stay top of mind with the customers.

This newsletter by Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. offers analytical insights to the recipients. It keeps the recipients updated on the latest happenings in the industry. There is an option to update your preferences so that you receive content that you are interested in. It is an excellent way to improve brand recognition.

2. Increase customer retention

Customer retention focuses on strategies that help companies retain as many customers as possible for as long as possible. You certainly don’t want to be a one-time purchase for your customer. Ideally, you want them to be loyal customers. A good email marketing strategy can get you there. If you send out the right type of emails at the right time with the right frequency, your customers will keep coming back to you. It is also possible that they become your brand advocates, taking it upon themselves to market your business for you.

When you send out an email, you remind your audience of your existence. These emails can be alerts informing them about new products or telling them about an ongoing sale….

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