How to Get Customers to Participate in a Case Study

Published in
2 min readSep 24, 2017

Author: Sasha LaFerte / Source: Content Marketing Institute


Customer satisfaction not only drives revenue, it’s also the source of testimonials and case studies — the cornerstones of most marketers’ conversion strategies.

Positive words from your customers build trust and motivate other customers. In fact, most B2B marketers consider customer testimonials (89 percent) and case studies (88 percent) as the most effective content marketing tactics, according to a Salesforce post mentioning B2B content marketing trends.

But getting your loyal customers to participate in a case study is easier said than done. It’s often the hardest part of executing a case study. It’s no small thing for your best customers to take time out of their busy schedule to talk about how your product or service has helped them. Add in the concerns about sharing proprietary information, regulatory hurdles, company policies, and lengthy review cycles and creating a case study is a challenge.

Follow these tactics to help persuade your customers and get them excited about participating in your marketing case study.

Create a formal submission and request process

Many companies have formal rules for providing testimonials, which can extend the process if you want to have them participate in a case study. Your customer may have to consult with a legal department and/or senior management just to get approval to proceed.

That is why the first tactic to grow your case study pipeline is creating a formal process.

Meet with your customer success, sales, and marketing teams to explain why case studies are necessary to the success of your marketing strategy — and ultimately, sales. Use these compelling marketing case study stats from Boast to beef up your pitch.

Next, create a formal document that outlines how to submit marketing case study opportunities. Detail how frequently sales or customer success reps will submit names, and the time commitment involved after a customer agrees to participate.

Create a case study request email template for your internal teams to use to make requests of your customers. Consider modifying one or more of these case study request templates.

Offer employees a bonus

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