How to Repurpose Blog Posts Into Instagram Albums

Published in
3 min readAug 22, 2017

Author: Jenn Herman / Source:

Are you looking for Instagram content ideas?

Have you considered repurposing your blog content into Instagram albums?

Grouping multiple images from a blog post into an Instagram album can bring engaging content to Instagram.

In this article, you’ll discover how to combine blog posts into Instagram albums.

How to Repurpose Blog Posts Into Instagram Albums by Jenn Herman on Social Media Examiner.
How to Repurpose Blog Posts Into Instagram Albums by Jenn Herman on Social Media Examiner.

Why Use Instagram Albums to Repurpose Blog Content?

It’s easy to share a link to your blog post on most social media platforms. But on Instagram, you have to get creative.

Often, uploading a simple blog post image and announcing your new blog post in the caption will work. As long as your Instagram bio links to your blog page, this can be an effective way to drive traffic.

Announcing a new blog post with your blog image and descriptive caption can work to drive blog traffic.
Announcing a new blog post with your blog image and descriptive caption can work to drive blog traffic.

But if you really want to boost engagement with your blog content and get significant traffic from Instagram, you can repurpose it for Instagram and use albums (also called carousel or multi-image posts) to showcase your content.

Albums allow you to put more context in a single post, share extra tips, give out additional information, garner more interest in the blog post topic, and even encourage response to your CTA. If you’re not familiar with albums on Instagram, read this previous post with steps to use albums effectively.

Now let’s look at how to create Instagram album content from your blog posts.

#1: Create Multiple Images Based on Your Blog Post

The key to repurposing blog content on Instagram is quality images. You want to create unique images for each key point in your blog post. Where many bloggers include “Click to tweet” links, you want to create a visual image to share to Instagram.

Ana Hoffman published a blog post with quotes and input from various industry leaders. To produce shareable content, she designed a graphic with an image of each person, along with their quote. She also created graphics to showcase the details and stats in the post.

Repurpose images from your original blog post to use in Instagram albums.
Repurpose images from your original blog post to use in Instagram albums.

#2: Group Your Images to Tell a Story

You want each Instagram album to tell a complete story, plus be part of a whole collection of albums or posts. Once you’ve created multiple images for your blog post content, organize groups of 3–10 images that flow cohesively to tell a story.

The best way to achieve this is through careful storyboarding prior to publishing your campaign and Instagram album. Plan exactly the order of each of the images in the post. If you want to include a CTA, decide where to place the CTA

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