How To Win At Your Holiday Email Marketing Strategy This Festive Season

Published in
3 min readDec 4, 2017

Author: Sam Pristley / Source: Jeffbullas’s Blog

How To Win At Your Holiday Email Marketing Strategy This Festive Season
’Tis the season to be jolly! That’s right, the holidays are right here (well, almost)!

Marketers are all set to roll out competitive sales tactics to boost their revenue during the holiday season using a variety of marketing channels. Out of them all, email marketing continues to be one of the most effective ways to promote products or services and generate maximum holiday sales.

If you want to get in on the action, you need to plan out a logical holiday email marketing strategy to make sure that your emails entice customers to make purchases and help you drive business growth.

I have collated 5 different tips from leading industry professionals to make things easier for your holiday email campaigns.

Some of the experts who have shared their pearls of wisdom are:

  • Christopher Donald, President of Operations and Managing Partner at InboxArmy
  • Dennis Dayman, Chief Privacy Officer at Return Path
  • Tink Taylor, Founder and President at DotMailer
  • Sam Hurley, Founder and Managing Director at OPTIM-EYEZ
  • Ryan Phelan, VP of Marketing Insights at Adestra

Here are the most striking insights provided by them for holiday email marketing planning.

1. Christopher Donald

Christopher Donald believes you should plan your holiday email campaigns early. Create calendars for scheduled content creation, email campaigns and marketing collateral so that you can implement festive campaigns more effectively. You should be prepared to make changes to your existing plans depending on the anticipated conversion rates and other email metrics.

Using countdown timers along with a discount offer in your holiday emails is a great idea to add a sense of urgency and increase sales.

For a great example of this in action, look at Lee. The jeans-wear company has perfectly combined the use of countdown timers and holiday discount offers in the below ‘Cyber Monday’ email. It targets Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and encourages the subscribers to make a purchase before the countdown timer runs out.

2. Dennis Dayman

Dennis Dayman points out that more than half of your subscribers are accessing emails on mobile devices, which means that you must ensure a responsive design for your emails to read well across all devices.

Write a catchy subject line that matches the holiday mood. Make it unique as well as specific.

Your messages should be short but engaging. More often than not, your target audience will not check their email inbox as attentively during holiday season. To make sure your offerings get read and engaged with, promote them across social media channels as well, and include social sharing buttons in your emails to obtain greater engagement.

Have a look at the holiday email below by corporate gifting company Chocomize. It gives an impression of being a personalized email from the founders Eric, Nick, and Fabian, but in actual fact promotes a gift certificate. Chocomize have also highlighted their online presence on social media platforms and their behind-the-scenes blog.

Image Source: Get Elastic

3. Tink Taylor

Tink Taylor says data is a crucial component of email marketing throughout the year. However, it becomes even more essential during the holiday season. Hence, email marketers should segment their target audience into key customer groups, including frequent shoppers, recent shoppers, and VIP customers, and target them according to their behavior patterns.

Take into consideration the past holiday campaigns…

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