No… A Social Media Post Can’t You Make Money… and Here’s Why!

Published in
3 min readFeb 21, 2018

Author: Brian Basilico / Source: Business 2 Community

Today I want to talk about social media. One of the questions I get all the time is, how do I post to make money? My answer today is, no, a social media post will not make you money, and here’s why.

What I’ve Learned In Over 14 Years…

What I want to cover is what really works when it comes to posting social media. First and foremost I’ve been on social media for over 14 years. I started on LinkedIn in 2004 and I’ve been on Facebook since 2006, 2008, I’m not 100% sure. I could go back and look in my history obviously, but it’s been at least 10 years. I’ve tried over the course of the years to do things in my business online, I’ve had a lot of fun talking to people and creating relationships, but ultimately it’s a business tool. It doesn’t have to be 100% a business tool but in the case of what I’m talking about today, we want to look at it from that perspective.

I have paid thousands and more on coaching programs, on swipe files, on lessons, on videos, on just about everything you can imagine. If you don’t know what all that stuff is don’t worry about it; I’ve spent a lot of money trying to learn the secret and I’ve seen this all the time. “With this easy posting formula you can make millions. Just follow my strategy.” I’ve tried it over and over and over and I’ve failed again. And I started to give up. It’s like, it isn’t going to work. And then throw in all of the algorithm changes and all the changes to the platforms that have happened. When Facebook started out, it was really easy to get your business found. Now the only way that people can find your business is if you sponsor posts. Well frankly, I block sponsored posts. If I’m blocking other people’s posts, what are other people going to do to mine? The same thing. We don’t go on there because we want get sold something.

So you have to kind of look at from a different perspective. And I’m a pretty thick headed dude! If my dad was still alive today, you could ask him. That’s what he used to call me, thick headed. Do you think maybe you could use a little help with your social media presence? Then this is for you.

What I started to do was take a deep dive and tried to learn these things myself. Everybody else was teaching this strategy and that strategy and I really need to kind of morph all of that stuff into something that would work for me, and once I figured out how to get it to work for me, then I could actually show other people how to do it. And that’s why I’m in the business of coaching people on how to market their businesses. You do that by creating great content that people act upon that ultimately lead to things.

Work ALL The Top Social Platforms

I did a deep dive into every social media platform I could find. I played around with everything you can imagine. I came up with the top six, and they’re not necessarily in order. First is Facebook, then LinkedIn, then Twitter, then Pinterest, then Instagram, and Google Plus. Google Plus is one of my secret sauces and that’s because Google uses Google Plus to index content. That’s for…

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