Publishing Frequency: Why (and How) We’re Changing Things Up

Published in
2 min readDec 1, 2017

Author: Kim Moutsos / Source: Content Marketing Institute


How often do you read the weekend posts on Content Marketing Institute the day they’re published? We can tell from traffic the answer is “sometimes” for many of you.

Before I joined the CMI editorial team in September, the same was true for me. The daily alert went to my work inbox, which I monitored on the weekend only for urgent communications. Most of the time, as valuable as the CMI articles are, they didn’t qualify as urgent.

Instead, like many of you, I reviewed them when my attention shifted back to work.

So, it should come as good news that starting this month we’ll help free up your inbox on the weekends.

Our new publishing frequency

Instead of posting to the blog every day of the week, we’re moving to a Monday through Friday schedule. Our daily alerts will continue to land in subscribers’ inboxes every weekday morning, but we’ll leave space on the weekends for you to pause and reflect.

Some of you might be wondering about two weekend stalwarts — the PNR: This Old Marketing podcast and the Content Strategy for Marketers newsletter.

Following the send-off episode on Dec. 11, PNR goes on hiatus. If you read A Content Marketing Love Letter, you know that CMI founder and PNR co-host Joe Pulizzi is setting off for some well-earned family time in early 2018 and “non-marketing writing projects (and other shenanigans)” thereafter.

If you subscribe to the Content Strategy for Marketing newsletter, you should have received the revamped version in your inbox today. You still got an exclusive column from Chief Strategy Advisor Robert Rose and a link to our latest content strategy article. Now, you’ll also get a digest of the other content published that week.

Doing as we say, now as we do

For years, Joe has encouraged companies to get strategic about their publishing frequency decisions.

Attendees of Content Marketing World 2017 heard Jay Baer explain “how to get promoted by creating less content, not more.” (You can read about strategic changes made subsequently to the publishing schedule at Jay’s company, Convince and Convert.)

And just a few weeks ago, in PNR Episode 207, Joe and Robert talked about the latest research from Orbit Media, which shows a decline in publishing frequency (and an increase in post length) among individual bloggers.


In the podcast, Joe points out that companies like are getting great results…

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