Social Networks that Embrace Creators Are Winning, and Why Blogs Aren’t Going Anywhere

Published in
2 min readFeb 15, 2018

Author: Francesca Cruz / Source: Business 2 Community

Over a year ago, TapInfluence partnered with Altimeter group to publish the results of an industry-leading influencer survey. In that time, influencer marketing has grown rapidly to become a multi-billion dollar digital channel. It’s important for marketing agencies, influencer networks and platforms like TapInfluence to keep a pulse on the ever-changing needs of influencers to better guide our brand customers to maximize their content relationships and ultimately, their success. In collaboration with our long-time partner, Carusele we surveyed 750 of our opt-in influencers in order to leverage their professional perspective.

The results of the survey provided a revealing update to the Altimeter study and taught us a few important things about the industry at large. You can learn more about all the survey results here. One glaring point emerged from this data: blogs are still the preferred platform of influencers (with Instagram as a close second) and Snapchat is no influencer’s favorite channel. As Tap’s VP of Customer Success and Brand Partnerships, I thought this point was interesting, so I decided to explore why.

Social Networks that Embrace Creators and Encourage Sharing Win

Survey Results

In our survey, it became clear that influencers’ first choice for publishing platforms were blogs (nope, they’re not going anywhere) and Instagram, while their second favorite platform was Facebook. Conversely, not one influencer surveyed named Snap as the preferred platform, and only 6% cited Pinterest as a favorite. This revelation about Snapchat is not a surprise. In fact, in Snap’s Q3 2017 earnings call, CEO Evan Spiegel directly acknowledged the issue, stating

“we have historically neglected the creator community on Snapchat…In 2018, we are…

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