Some of the Copyblogger Team’s Favorite Writing and Content Sites

Published in
3 min readDec 18, 2017

Author: Sonia Simone / Source: Copyblogger


Here at Copyblogger, we’ve always been in love with writers.

So we thought it would be fun to wrap up the year with a collection of some favorite blogs and podcasts that teach writing, showcase writing, or help writers. This is very much a partial list — so if you have a favorite site that you don’t see here, let us all know about it in the comments!

While we love the “big guns” like Seth’s Blog and MarketingProfs, we tried to focus on some sites you may have not necessarily found yet. Some of them are quite popular; others are still hidden gems.

In no particular order, here are some sites we think are dandy.



When you need some stone-cold copywriting advice, you need Copyhackers.

They aren’t afraid to dig into the meaty stuff, and they feature a wealth of ultra specific copy and conversion advice, as well as cover pragmatic topics for freelancers like the right way to use (relevant) cold emails to get copywriting clients.

The Creative Penn

Blog and podcast

Joanna Penn knows just about everything about how to write and market a book, and she uses The Creative Penn to teach them to the rest of us. Her content is specific, comprehensive, and insanely useful, including articles looking at whether you should crowdfund your book or how to adapt your novel into a screenplay.

Blog and podcast

Orbit Media Studios isn’t a content marketing firm, but they use content brilliantly to build a loyal clientele for their Chicago-area design firm.

Led by Andy Crestodina, Orbit is known for great advice on content strategy, analytics, and web design. Every year they run a massive survey of bloggers, and their blog always offers solid tips, often featuring comprehensive original research.

Jane Friedman


Jane Friedman’s many years of experience in the publishing industry inform her wonderful blog that helps authors with their careers. Her content features topics like how to launch a book if you’re a first-time author with no audience and how to find a literary agent for your book.

B2B Launcher

Blog and podcast

Ed Gandia is on a mission to help freelancers get better clients — and enough of them to make a great living. (We like this mission.) He also has resources including checklists and cheat sheets for freelancers at various levels of experience.

Ed’s podcast covers writer-friendly topics like options for health insurance for U.S. freelancers and thoughts on different ways to think about your niche.

Brain Pickings


Maria Popova’s blog is a legendary labor of love and always a fascinating read. Writers might particularly enjoy gems like The Daily Routines of Great Writers.


Blog and private community

Megan at BlackFreelance knows how to find clients, how to get results for those clients, and how to manage your life and income as a freelancer. The site includes lots of resources of particular interest to black freelancers, including a free workbook and a stream of clear-eyed advice that’s both encouraging and…

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