The Best New App for Entrepreneurs to Record Podcasts

Published in
2 min readOct 19, 2017

Author: Jason Parks / Source: Entrepreneur

It was a goal of mine to get a digital marketing podcast published on the iTunes and Android store. The issue was that I didn’t want to have to go through the hassle of creating an XML feed to host the podcast on my site.

Like many entrepreneurs and business owners, the XML feed deterred me from my ambition of creating my own podcast. I know I could have figured this out or asked one of the developers at our marketing agency to help. At the end of the day though, the XML feed was a hurdle and because of this, I didn’t pursue my podcasting ambition.

I know that there are a lot of entrepreneurs like me who have yet to record a podcast due to the hoops that you’d have to jump through with this XML feed. That’s about to change!

You are my Anchor.

I was recently introduced to Anchor, an app that allows you to broadcast your voice, music and conversations, all for free. Gary Vaynerchuk, one of the most popular marketers in the world right now, had Anchor’s CEO on one of his podcasts. When I heard that Anchor allows you to get your podcasts pushed to Apple and Google, I immediately downloaded the app.

According to The Verge, the app can now publish recordings to podcast platforms, sending them to both Apple and Google’s collection of shows for even more people to find. While podcasting has always been open to anyone, Anchor is trying to remove the last few hoops that people had to jump through, like setup, hosting and distributing an RSS feed so that listeners can subscribe to the podcast. “Unfamiliar with RSS?” Anchor wrote in a blog post. “Cool, let’s keep it that way.”

BOOM. I finally had a place to record my podcasts and easily distribute them to Apple and Google. And 99.6 percent of new smartphones run Android or iOS. If you want to easily get your podcast distributed, Anchor is your go-to…

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