Using Customer Service to Create Content: A #CMWorld Chat with Jay Baer

Published in
1 min readFeb 19, 2018

Author: Monina Wagner / Source:

As a content marketer, you tend to find yourself asking, “what customer questions will this piece of content answer?” Enter the customer support team. They know why people contact your company and can help guide your work. That’s why it’s time for organizations to align their customer service with their content marketing efforts. This was the topic of conversation at a recent #CMWorld Twitter chat with Jay Baer. Jay is the founder of Convince and Convert and author of “Hug Your Haters.” What follows is a brief recap of our discussion.

What are some ways customer service and content teams can work together to provide a better customer experience?

A1. Most important thing is for content pros to understand that content for CURRENT CUSTOMERS is massively important. #cmworld

— Jay Baer (@jaybaer) February 13, 2018

A1. Some of the best content ideas come from customer service. So clear communications and reporting can guide #content to create a better…

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