Who Would You Add to Your Content Marketing Team?

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3 min readAug 21, 2017

Author: Ann Gynn / Source: Content Marketing Institute


Content marketing team members’ titles may differ from company to company, but the tasks they are expected to perform are somewhat standard across the board — writing, editing, designing, publishing, and distributing.

But what if you could add the skill set of someone who works in another functional area — from another department or even outside your industry? What role or person would you want to incorporate into your team?

We asked the presenters at Content Marketing World 2017 what they would do. Their answers are enlightening — and in most cases, realistic.

Make the pictures move

I’d love to have a documentary videographer to document and share what really happens in the practice of law and how we try to keep up with changes in the industry.

Ruth Carter, attorney and owner, Carter Law Firm

A film producer. I’d love to get high quality video into our content mix for sharing through our numerous channels. If I could have anything, it would be that.

Jeff Renoe, content strategist, Dickson

Bring on tech

I would love to get a software engineer/website developer on our marketing team. As the realms of technology and marketing increasingly join forces, interactive experiences are only becoming more crucial for brands. More interactive content, apps, and tools for your customers and prospective buyers can make your brand stand out from the crowd.

We work on cross-department projects to achieve this, but I would absolutely want to permanently have an engineer just for marketing!

Allen Gannett, CEO and founder, TrackMaven

A developer. There are a million things I want done on my website and have nobody to do them.

Chad Pollitt, partner and vice president of audience, Native Advertising Institute

Explore the science of success

I would love to have a data scientist. Why? Because they can give all the quantifiable answers I am looking for — not just what content is performing best (I can look that up myself) but what am I missing? What is the data I have not telling me?

Shira Abel, CEO, Hunter & Bard

I would add a fantastic analyst to my team. A great analyst can be an incredible asset in terms of helping you to determine what content is most appropriate for different audiences and different stages of their customer journeys. Every content marketing team needs a sharp numbers gal or guy to ask “why,” not just “how,” people behave.

Zontee Hou, strategist, Convince & Convert

I’d want someone who can understand and apply the decision-making science disciplines to content marketing — someone who knows how to bring disciplines like behavioral economics, social psychology, and neuroscience to life inside of messaging and content.

Tim Riesterer, chief strategy and research officer, Corporate Visions

Look to the future

I’d add an economist to tell me the costs, benefits, workforce implications, and likely growth rates of every new technology on the horizon. That would help enormously in focusing me on what’s coming next that will grow fastest because it’s needed most and will give more than it costs.

Kirk Cheyfitz, co-founder, Story Worldwide

Go for the pros

I would add a screenwriter — someone who knows how to tell a story in an arresting way.

Chuck Hester, vice president, social media, T&T Creative

I would add an investigative journalist — someone who is trained to…

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