With Entrepreneurs Freaking Out After Facebook’s Drastic Newsfeed Change, Here Are 4 Things You Can Do Right Now to Survive

Published in
3 min readJan 15, 2018

Author: Amanda Bond / Source: Entrepreneur

With Entrepreneurs Freaking Out After Facebook's Drastic Newsfeed Change, Here Are 4 Things You Can Do Right Now to Survive

In the hours following the announcement from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday that the social network wanted to focus more on “meaningful interactions” between people, pandemonium struck in the business world.In Facebook’s effort to reduce news feed noise, posts from friends and family now have even more priority over posts originating from Business Pages, including ads.

If you run a business on Facebook, you’re affected by this news feed update Mark Zuckerberg announced last week. With a reduction in organic reach for content that originates from brands, small businesses and news publishers, it will become even harder to share important information without venturing into paying for Facebook ads.

So who is most impacted by this update? Small business.

With less news feed space available for public content, videos and posts from smaller Facebook Pages may continue to see a decline in reach, a valuable tool for those with smaller marketing budgets. But that doesn’t have to be the case.

As owner of The Ad Strategist, we’ve created and analyzed content (organic and paid) that’s made it into the timeline of millions of Facebook users. My prediction is that certain businesses will get hit hard and be forced to use Facebook ads to show content to their audience. Yet for other businesses, they will continue to evolve and dominate their markets by focusing on engagement and connection, the main facets of this week’s update.

Here are four free strategies you can immediately do in your business to survive this recent update.

1. Focus on measuring and improving your content performance.

Use the Insights tab to discover which content is performing on a Facebook Page.

To know which type of content gets the most engagement (and therefore will play favorably into the algorithm), look at the Engagement Rate of each post.

We’ll compare these two recent posts from my own Facebook Page where I went live to break news of this update.

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