Your Brand’s Social Media Content Calendar Template For 2018

Published in
2 min readDec 20, 2017

Author: Sahail Ashraf / Source: Business 2 Community

2018 will be a bumper year for brands on social media, simply due to the pace of change in the space they operate in. At the same time, there are plenty of events and growth opportunities for them to latch onto as well.

Here is the Locowise Social Media Content Calendar for the year 2018. It’s a list of holidays, big events and other trending topics that people will talk about. Use it to plan out social media content campaigns for the year ahead.

We find that knowing what is going on and when in a year makes it a whole lot easier to pull together quality content that has an impact with strong relevance. It helps to keep your content fresh and grows your audience too. And if you include the holiday content ideas into your calendar early on, you will not miss an important holiday.

Not all of these events will be relevant to your brand but do go through them, consider them all and pick those that you find will bring you the biggest content and engagement opportunities. Add other relevant opportunities for your brand too.


● 1st January is New Year’s Day. It’s all about Resolutions….

● 15th January The Australian Open Kicks off the year for sports, in Adelaide, and is the first Tennis Grand Slam event of the year (tennis is a great area to build marketing around, especially as the year progresses).

● 15th January is Martin Luther King Day.

● 25th January 2018 is Robert Burns Night.

● 4th February brings The Superbowl. One word for social media brands: Oreo.

● 13th February is Shrove Tuesday or the Pancake Day.

● 14th February is Valentine’s Day (if you’re stuck for what to do on social this time of year, check out our Valentine’s guide).

● 16th February is Chinese New Year. This year it’s the Year of the Rooster (or Year of Nandos).

● 17th February is Random Acts of Kindness Day.

● 9th-25th February sees The Winter Olympics in South Korea.

● 16th February sees London Fashion Week (see here for how fashion can be an incredibly powerful force on social).

● 1st March 2018 is Saint David’s Day (Patron Saint of Wales).

● 1st-2nd March is Holi.

● 8th March is International Woman’s Day. Brands can do their bit to raise the awareness, like the Western Union did.

● 11th March 2018 is Mother’s Day in the UK (also Grandmother’s Day in France).

● 17th March 2018 is St Patrick’s Day (quite possibly one of the most marketable days of the year).

● 24th March has the Earth Hour, and here are some examples of inspiration on social media from 2017.

● 30th March-April 2nd is the Easter. Are you doing a hunt on your social media?

● April 1st is April Fool’s Day.

● April 1st also sees the start of National Pet Month. Jetblue has an amazing approach to pets and their customers for social.


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