Your Startup’s Most Important Investment Is Customer Education

Published in
2 min readDec 5, 2017

Author: Laura Casselman / Source: Entrepreneur

Your Startup's Most Important Investment Is Customer Education

You may get a lot of impressions through digital platforms such as Google, Facebook and the like, but research now proves what we already knew: Consumers simply don’t trust advertising. Trinity Mirror and Ipsos recently conducted a study that showed 69 percent of consumers distrust advertising. And that number is going up — the same study showed that 43 percent of consumers trust advertising even less than they used to.

Not all hope is lost, though. The research found that nearly 60 percent of consumers will trust a brand if you can prove you’re worth your salt. And that all comes down to educating your customers.

We live in the age of information, and your consumers crave it. That’s why it’s wise to feed the hunger with valuable content — valuable being the operative word. Your product may create satisfied customers, but educational content creates the kind of cheerleaders who will outsell your sales team by a 10–1 ratio.

Creating addictive content in a noisy world

At JVZoo, we put a lot of focus on creating our own valuable brand of “edu-tainment.” We know that not everyone absorbs information in the same way, and we don’t want to miss out on creating those awesome brand ambassadors.

We’ve found that a strong content strategy is both deep and wide. For example, we do all the blogging, social media and knowledge base work you might expect from a digital brand. That’s the wide. But we also go deep with JVZoo Academy, a membership site structured like an online college course.

This is the mix we’ve found success with. But the key is to find your secret sauce — what will work for your unique brand. Here are some lessons we’ve learned in creating educational content. They can be applied to any strategy and will greatly increase the power of your content.

1. Pay attention to the man behind the curtain.

Lift the curtain, and let your audience see the real life of your brand and company culture. This looks like goofy social media posts of a…

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