OneRelief — our story

Published in
4 min readJan 17, 2018

Driven by the vision to change the way we respond to humanitarian emergencies by enabling each and everyone to give, Peter, Noah and his team at OneRelief are developing an innovative fundraising tool that democratizes giving. OneRelief leverages the power of emerging micro-donation and blockchain technology, and combines it with social media to mobilize life-saving funding in the early hours after a disaster has struck.

What we do.

OneRelief is a mobile donation platform that builds upon emerging micro-donation technology to collect micro-donations for humanitarian relief aid during natural and man-made disasters. An immediate launch of fundraisers after a disaster has struck allows us to mobilize life-saving donations before international funds are approved and mobilized. Collected donations are immediately forwarded to certified humanitarian agencies on the ground (we currently partner with Action Against Hunger) and reach affected communities within 48 hours.

OneRelief — exlained in 90 seconds.

Our journey — and how it all started.

The idea to develop a micro-donations platform for humanitarian relief aid sparked in early 2017. Having seen and experienced the funding delay and drastic shortfall of humanitarian relief aid up close, Peter started with OneRelief in early 2017.

After months of research, consultation, and idea conception, the OneRelief team came together during a ProductHunt Global Hackathon in November 2017. Over the course of 4 weeks, Noah, Carmen, Callam and Peter worked tirelessly refining the concept, experimenting with emerging payment technologies, building partnerships, registering the non-profit, and designing first app interfaces and prototypes of the OneRelief App.

With great success! While we did not win the ProductHunt Hackathon — most likely as our MVP was not ready by the end of the hackathon — we received an honorable mention on the winners page. A fantastic recognition of our work and the potential of OneRelief.

As of early January 2018 we are developing our progressive mobile web app. We have pivoted from developing an iOS app to a progressive web app. Same functionality without downloading and installing on the users phone.

The OneRelief progressive web app will be launched at the end of January and will allow users to make donations with the tap of a button. (We’re still looking for interested beta testers).

To accelerate progress, we applied to a number of social impact tech accelerator programmes and have been accepted by the PeaceTech Accelerator for the upcoming intake 👏. Starting Jan 22, our Team will join the 8-week acceleration programm at the US Institute of Peace in Washington D.C.!

Who are we? — Our team

A team of dedicated young professionals with a passion for humanitarian relief, philanthropy, technology, and social entrepreneurship. We start 2018 with a fantastic, dedicated, and motivated team, consisting of:

Peter, who has worked in development and humanitarian response with the United Nations in East Asia and the Middle East for many years before he founded OneRelief in early 2017.

Noah, who is passionate about micro-philanthropy and using emerging technologies for social good.

Brent, our Innovation Manager. Brent is a veteran humanitarian relief worker and former United Nations staff member passionate about helping advance humanitarian financing technology.

David, our Scottish lead developer. David is a dedicated digital nomad, “hacking” donations and the Russian language in equal measure.

Carmen, our multimedia content creator and audience development strategist hailing from a breaking news journalism background. Carmen works at the intersect of technology and social impact.

And many more volunteers!

Our ambition — to democratize giving!

Our ambition is to change the way we (=humanity) responds when disasters strike. Rather than hoping and waiting that Governments take action and pledge millions, we want to democratize giving and leverage crowdfunding to mobilize funding needed for early response operations in the time-critical first hours and days after the disaster has struck.

We are ambitious to be the first and only mobile platform that collects micro-donations for certified humanitarian relief aid.

In parallel, we are experimenting with blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies and are planning to accept donations in cryptocurrency within the next three months. A key benefit of cryptocurrency transactions is the reduction of transaction fees to less than 1% per donation.

Our Partners

Without mentoring, guidance, and support from our partners, we would not be able to do what we are doing. Currently, we are partnering with the following entities:

Over the course of 2018, we are looking forward to expanding our network of partners and engage with additional entities in the humanitarian, microphilanthropy, blockchain, and charitable giving space.




introducing the first ever smartphone app collecting micro-donations for humanitarian relief aid. Twitter: @OneRelief