Why we partner with Action Against Hunger to help the Rohingya.

Published in
3 min readNov 27, 2017

As of November 2017, an estimated 809,000 Rohingyas are being sheltered in Bangladesh, after fleeing violence and persecution in Myanmar. The Rohingya population in Cox’s Bazar are highly vulnerable, most have experienced immense trauma, and are living in appalling conditions.

Photo: Action Against Hunger

Key figures from the field:

  1. More than half a million new arrivals require food assistance.
  2. More than 58 million liters of safe water are needed every day.
  3. 24,000 Pregnant women need maternity care.
  4. More than 100,000 emergency shelters are needed.
  5. 100,000 newly arrived children require support to continue their education.

Partnership of OneRelief with Action Against Hunger to help the Rohingya:

We’re excited to be partnering with Action Against Hunger to help raise life-saving funds for the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. With this partnership, you’ll be able to donate to Action Against Hunger’s important relief work in Bangladesh, directly from the OneRelief smartphone application.

Action Against Hunger has lead the global fight against hunger for nearly 40 years and has been working in Cox’s Bazar/Bangladesh since 2008, well before the recent influx of refugees.

Action Against Hunger is one of few major direct frontline humanitarian responders in Cox’s Bazar that was already fully operational and able to scale up significantly to meet the rising level of needs.

Photo: Action Against Hunger

Action Against Hunger’s immediate priorities are to save lives and alleviate the suffering of the Rohingya through following interventions:

  • Daily distributions of food and water: Every day, Action Against Hunger’s mobile teams are delivering more than 83,000 hot meals and 551,479 liters of safe water to Rohingya refugees in camps and other locations.
  • Emergency health care and lifesaving treatment for acute malnutrition: Emergency teams have also conducted malnutrition screenings for more than 100,000 children and diagnosed over 11,000 malnourished children whom we have referred for admission into our emergency nutrition programs through mobile clinics and in partnership 90 local government-run community health clinics.
  • Preventing outbreaks of waterborne disease and improving sanitation: Action Against Hunger is the lead humanitarian NGO collaborating with the UN to provide emergency water, sanitation and hygiene interventions to prevent outbreaks of waterborne diseases.
  • Mental health “first aid”: Action Against Hunger has deployed psychologists and mental health counselors to provide psychological first aid to more than 20,000 newly arrived refugees whose health and well-being has been impacted by the trauma, violence, shock, and acute stress.
  • Scaling up frontline emergency teams: The organization has mobilized 400 humanitarian staff and more than 500 community volunteers to Cox’s Bazar to respond to the emergency.

Help the Rohingya by beta testing the OneRelief app and making a small donation. Join here!

© Noah Madden, Partnerships & Strategy Advisor at OneRelief. Find out more about OneRelief at onereliefapp.com, and join us on Facebook and Twitter




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