4 Ways a Coach Helps You Write

Kayla Quock
Keep Writing
Published in
3 min readApr 3, 2017

A coach can help you during your writing process in many ways. But don’t just take it from us. We asked real members from our coaching programs to tell us what working with a coach is like. Here are the top 4 ways, according to our members, that a coach helps with your writing:

1. Support

Writing can be a lonely thing. Often times the people around you (your family and friends) can’t really understand the process you’re undertaking. Having someone to support you who has been there, can empathize, and guide you through the highs and lows of writing can make all the difference.

“My coach is great. It feels like she gets what I’m trying to do with my novel. Such a relief to talk with someone who understands the process!”

— Kate Campbell

2. Encouragement

Once you have someone by your side who understands what the writing process is like, they understand the importance of your accomplishments. Because they work so closely with you, a coach becomes invested in your writing successes:

“I am enjoying the interaction between my coach and myself. She genuinely seems to care about my progress and answers my questions.”

— Mindy A.

3. Motivation

Writing is a marathon. Especially when you’re working on a big project (novel, screenplay, memoir, poetry collection, you name it). As with running a marathon, it’s natural for your motivation to wax and wane as you write away at a big project. When this happens, it can be hard to self-motivate. A coach can help provide exterior motivation when the going gets tough:

“My coach gives me motivation and encouragement at times when I feel like the work is impossible.”

— Nathan McAlister

“I can say only good things about my coach. It’s obvious that she knows what she’s doing. I am very impressed by her focus, drive, punctuality, organization, and coaching ability. She motivates me! I’m looking forward to using OneRoom continually through my writing career.”

— Dani A.

4. Accountability

As if writing wasn’t already hard enough, sometimes staying on track and sticking to a consistent writing schedule can be difficult. Having a coach to help you set realistic goals and make time for your writing can make all the difference:

“There’s great support and inspiration from both the group and my coach. The sustained contact does not allow me to run away from my writing as I have before. And the coach’s in depth getting-to-know-you feels very tailor made. Lovely.”

— Emma C.

“My coach provides a great perspective that helps me to remember writing is a process, which is something I often forget.”

— Marie-Elena

Working on a novel, poetry collection, memoir, or screenplay? Our writing coaches provide advice, accountability, and encouragement every step of the way.

Visit our homepage to learn more >>>



Kayla Quock
Keep Writing

Currently @ Gravitate PR. Previously: marketing at Nima and OneRoom.