8 Thoughtful Podcasts for Writers

Laura Scott
Keep Writing
Published in
2 min readJul 14, 2016

Part IV in a Series of Favorite Resources to Keep You Writing

In my OneRoom novel writing group, we suggest podcasts to each other that get us thinking about writing and introduce us to new work. Here are eight we like:

A Tiny Sense of Accomplishment
Buddies and funnymen Sherman Alexie and Jess Walter interview other writers and answer urgent questions about writing and teaching.

The Greenlight Bookstore Radio Hour
Though short-lived, these about a dozen episodes feature compelling conversations between contemporary writers and readers.

The New Yorker Fiction Podcast
New Yorker fiction writers choose stories they admire from the magazine’s archive to read and discuss with editor Deborah Treisman. It’s a lot of fun when writer and editor disagree about story interpretation.

Brad Listi’s podcast is a fascinating blend of his life, interviews with contemporary writers with recent books, and a monologue. There are, no kidding, over 400 episodes recorded over the last five years. This is commitment.

Redivider Podcast
A new podcast from the awesome journal.

The Archive Project by Literary Arts
For 30 years, Portland Arts & Lectures has invited writers to speak about their. And they recorded everything. This podcast features the best of these talks from over the years, hosted by Literary Arts’ executive director.

Radio National Books Podcast
The books podcasts from Radio National in Australia covers topics relevant to contemporary writing, writers on their favorite music, books adapted to film, and more.

The Guardian Short Stories Podcast and The Guardian Books Podcast
The short stories podcast features a writer reading a favorite story by a writer who influenced them. The books podcast features writers discussing ideas and writing.

Got any writerly podcast recommendations for us?

Up next: Dictionaries, Thesauruses, & Grammar Guides

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Laura Scott
Keep Writing

Writer and editor. Writing coach at OneRoom. Teacher at Literary Arts.