Questions You Need to Ask Yourself During NaNoWriMo

Keep Writing
Published in
1 min readNov 27, 2016

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is coming to an end. Which means, a lot of (very tired) novelists are racing to finish their novels. If you’re one of these novelists and you’re unsure how to keep going…

Raise more questions

What questions are you raising about experience? What are you making the reader ask? What are you making them wonder?

There’s an idea that fiction doesn’t answer questions, it asks them. So what questions are you as an author interested in? What is your story asking? Maybe something about the nature of family or sanity. Maybe something about contemporary life. By identifying what questions you are delving into, not only will you be able to find new inspiration in your writing, you will find more opportunities for nuance and development.

Want to continue with your NaNo novel? Check out OneRoom’s novel writing coaching program. We’re dedicated to providing perpetual motivation, accountability, and encouragement for your writing.

