Thought of the Day #10

Ian Reis
The Onesien Project
2 min readMar 24, 2017

Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have. — Robert Holden

Sometimes I hate myself. I don’t know why but I do. Maybe its because I’m not who I thought I would be at 34. Maybe it’s because I am to forgiving of people when they treat me or someone I care about like shit. Or maybe its because I know that I am lazy and should be doing so much more. And so I see these things in other people as well.

Or maybe I know I am not that great. I am an impostor. In those fight or flight moments I choose flight. I talk a good game, only because there are no consequences too talk. Actions have consequences sure. But not talk.

In short, I can be very critical about myself. But i don’t think of it as being critical. I prefer the word analytical. As I take in more and more information, I am constantly refining my analysis and opinion of said topic. On occasion this can lead to analysis paralysis. But over all I feel like it has insulated me from numerous questionable decisions.

Overall, the relationship you have with yourself is neither good nor bad. It just puts a thumb on the scale, so to speak. If you’re one of these people on a self improvement kick, you may really want analyze your relationship with yourself. It may be your biggest roadblock. It was definitely mine.

