Watch the growth of your crops with satellite imagery

OneSoil News
Published in
4 min readAug 7, 2018


OneSoil Scouting is a free application that lets you monitor crop performance in real time and mark problem areas. All you need is a smartphone or computer with Internet access to monitor your farm whenever and wherever you are.

OneSoil Scouting app has two main features.

The first feature lets you monitor crop performance in real time. After downloading the application, simply complete the registration form and you are ready to start scouting right away. You’ll find a map on the screen. Then, you just need to select the area where your field is located and the OneSoil Scouting app will automatically determine its exact boundaries. It will also define the vegetation index within a specified area. After a few seconds of processing the information, the field will split into different colored sections depending on crop growth.

The way one field’s display changed in our app in May 2018. A troublesome zone was formed inside the area, and it could not be seen from the road. Through OneSoil Scouting the zone was detected and a crop was reseeded
The same field when shooting with a drone

The second feature is the addition of field notes.

It’s simple. Firstly, choose the type of alert (disease, parasites, water, weeds, lodging) or create a blank note. Then, write a comment, add a photo if you wish, and press “save”. Notes appear on the map as dots. They can be added both remotely from the office or in the field while you are scouting.

In the latter’s case, the application will determine your exact geolocation. Now coordinates can be sent to other app users. In the near future, we’ll be adding an option to “share a note” by the link, so that positional data can be opened in the browser.

‘View note’ and ‘add note’ modes in a mobile version of OneSoil Scouting app

Free for everyone — forever

OneSoil Scouting app is perfect for agricultural consultants and those working on farms of varied sizes and types. Agronomists can mark troublesome zones during scouting or remotely from the office.

Machinery operators can photograph crop issues during work and share them with managers and agronomists. Managers can monitor employees’ work, field condition and make quick decisions.

‘View note ‘mode in a web version of OneSoil Scouting app

Our free Android app is available now on Google Play in Europe. The web version is available by the link. Both versions automatically synchronise, so you have access to your notes and field marks across devices.

We plan to release an iOS version of the app in 2019. Throughout 2018, we plan to take the OneSoil Scouting app global.

So how does it work?

The OneSoil Scouting app is based on machine learning technologies and multispectral satellite imagery.

We created the app over several months, after three years of intense preparation. We manually marked thousands of fields, then, based on the collected information, a special algorithm was trained to allocate them independently.

Now, you no longer need to travel your farm on a GPS-equipped ATV or order this work from specialists — OneSoil Scouting determines the boundaries of your field automatically.

To determine the vegetation index, the OneSoil Scouting app uses images from European satellites with a resolution of 8−10 meters per pixel. Multispectral images are shot not only in the visible range but near infrared and short wave infrared, too. With these images, chlorophyll, a green pigment in the shoots, is clearly visible. From a technical standpoint, the vegetation index (or NDVI index) is a combination of several spectral layers.

Unlike most other applications that can calculate the vegetation index of your fields at a cost, OneSoil Scouting is completely free.

You can read more articles on our blog.



OneSoil News

Beating guesswork in agriculture! Free apps for farmers around the world.