ChatGPT Architecture — Design Flow

Ayisha Tabbassum
Published in
2 min readMar 14, 2024

The ChatGPT architecture flowchart outlines the sequence of operations that occur from the moment a user inputs a query to the delivery of the response. Here’s an expert explanation of each step in the process:

  1. User Input: This is the starting point of the interaction. A user inputs a query, question, or command into the system. This input can be in the form of text entered into a chat interface.
  2. Text Preprocessing: Before processing the input, it undergoes preprocessing. This step involves cleaning and preparing the text for better understanding by the model. Preprocessing may include tasks like correcting spelling, expanding contractions, and removing unnecessary punctuation.
  3. Tokenization: The preprocessed text is then tokenized. Tokenization involves breaking down the text into smaller units, called tokens, which can be words, phrases, or other meaningful elements. This step is crucial for transforming the input into a format that the model can process.
  4. Input to Model: The tokenized text is fed into the ChatGPT model. This step involves the actual interaction with the machine learning model, which has been trained on vast amounts of text data to understand and generate human-like responses.
  5. Model Processing: During model processing, ChatGPT uses its trained parameters to interpret the input, infer context, and formulate an appropriate response. This step leverages deep learning algorithms, particularly transformers, to process the sequential data and understand the nuances of human language.
  6. Response Generation: Based on the processing, the model generates a response. The response is formulated in a manner that is coherent, contextually appropriate, and as informative or relevant as possible to the user’s input.
  7. Post-processing: After the response is generated, it might undergo post-processing. This can include checks for appropriateness, adjustments for tone or style, and ensuring the response aligns with any set guidelines or constraints.
  8. Output to User: The final step involves delivering the generated and possibly post-processed response back to the user. This is the end product of the ChatGPT interaction that the user sees.

Additionally, there’s a loop between the Model Processing and Plugin & External Tool Interaction:

  • Plugin & External Tool Interaction: This optional step allows ChatGPT to interact with external plugins or tools to retrieve information, perform specific tasks, or enhance the response with external data. After interacting with these tools, the information can be incorporated into the model’s response generation process.

This architecture showcases the complexity and sophistication behind ChatGPT’s ability to process natural language inputs, leverage deep learning for understanding and response generation, and interact with external systems to provide enriched responses.

