Live Streaming Church Services during and after COVID-19. What are the useful benefits?

OneStream Live
Published in
5 min readNov 22, 2020

It’s not going away very soon!

Yes, Covid-19 has completely changed everyone’s lives and the ways to plan out activities. With the recent situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, just like every other event, the attendance of churches has declined significantly due to the policies regarding social distancing. These policies were devised to control the spread of the virus and so far they have managed to do pretty well in terms of controlling the situation. The current pandemic situation has resulted in a decline in a lot of activities here & there. Churches have not been able to resume their religious practices because people have been barred from attending them so that gatherings can be avoided. These policies have resulted in a lot of activities related to entertainment, sports, music and related fields to shift to online. Churches have followed the same pattern as well.

Many churches have long wanted to Livestream their congregational prayers and services but were not sufficiently motivated to do so until the pandemic forced them to make it happen. Now that the perfect and easy Live streaming tool is just one click away, the Churches’ administrations deem it logical to continue the live streaming trend being followed. Ease of access has always proved to be effective towards enhancing a new trend and these live streaming tools have done just that!

Live Streaming during COVID-19

Live Streaming church activities has become quite popular especially in this changing situation. A significant increase in the trends related to the live streaming services adapted by the Churches has been observed lately. To remain in touch with the various activities taking place in the Church, people often tend to adopt the online mode of attendance of Church activities.

Most recently, it has been recorded that nearly 33% of the Church-going people have found their churches online. To stay within the domains of the Church attendees preferences and maintain the whole concept of community alive, Churches can engage the people by Live Streaming their congregational and community services.

The main issue here is that the Church cannot afford to stop any religious activities and like other activities are being run online, these activities can also follow the same trend. OneStream Live knows that the Church is currently struggling to Live Stream different ceremonies therefore OneStream provides them with the option to live stream their ceremonies on social media. As mentioned earlier, ease of access improves the enhancement of new trends. OneStream Live provides this sort of access to its users. In this way, the Church is able to gain attendance of many people who are willing to be a part of the ceremonies being held. OneStream Live has affiliations with multiple major social media platforms that can be accessed through multi-streaming. Know more, What is Multistreaming and How it beneficial for Churches.

Live Streaming after COVID-19

The current situation related to the pandemic has had a major impact on the habits that have been developed by people. It is a rough idea that most of the people would prefer staying at their home most of the time even after COVID-19 is gone. So, live streaming services would still be needed by Churches so that they can gain maximum attendance. Suppose that the pandemic is over and the COVID-19 has been eliminated completely but as seen over the years, people adapt to the long-term changes they face. By this analogy, one can assume that most of us would prefer staying home on a rainy day rather than going to the Church for weekly prayers. So it is safe to say that the Church would still need the services of live streaming to engage maximum audience.

People who lack the facilities to go to church will not miss out on any activity if the live streaming services continues. OneStream Live is not just a Live Streaming service, it’s a solution. The multicasting feature of OneStream Live can allow the users to broadcast their live stream onto selected multiple channels. So the Church can control which audience to include in their ceremonies that are being live-streamed.

What are the Benefits of Live Streaming Church Activities?

When churches live stream their services with OneStream Live, they can achieve multiple benefits:

  1. Compliance with the government laws regarding the COVID-19 pandemic can be maintained that might help reduce the impacts they have on the attendance of church activities.
  2. Pre-recorded videos can be uploaded and live-streamed to multiple destinations using OneStream Live.
  3. Create a live stream event or broadcast the event privately on Facebook private groups with OneStream Live.
  4. Pre-recorded live streams can help people to watch the services on their own time.
  5. With Real-time Multistreaming, people can attend the live sermons from their homes, even on their mobile devices without missing anything.
  6. Users of different social media platforms can be taped through the real-time multicasting streaming solution offered by OneStream Live.
  7. With multistreaming, churches can live stream on various Social Media Platforms simultaneously and eventually expanding the reach.
  8. The live stream can be monetized and people will easily donate the money with few clicks. Your live videos can attract sponsors’ attention as well.
  9. Expand your community and reach out to the people who are outside of your local community.
  10. Live Streaming made attending the services possible for the people who generally cannot be at church service due to any physical disability, time constraints or health issues.


So in a nutshell, one can safely say that church activities can be streamed live using the services provided by OneStream Live and many issues can be avoided that may arise due to COVID-19 restrictions. OneStream Live having a wider platform can offer better options for the churches to stream their gatherings.

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OneStream Live

OneStream Live is a cloud solution to create & multicast live streams to 40+ social media, including Facebook, YouTube, & Instagram, and the web simultaneously.