For learners, by learners

One Team Gov will crowdsource a series of micro courses on co-leadership in collaboration with FutureLearn

Nour Sidawi
4 min readMar 27, 2020


Leading public services has always been tough, but we might be living though our toughest challenge yet. With increasing regularity and severity our public sector leaders are having to tackle complex societal issues that no single organisation can face alone.

A slicker on a window reads “Better Government by Design #OneTeamGov” The Queen Elizabeth Tower (Big Ben) can be seen in the background.

The Coronavirus pandemic is an issue the likes of which we have not seen before; it will be life changing in a number of ways for all of us. It will take a new kind of leadership to manage these changes and identify opportunities to significantly improve and adapt the organisations we work in and with.

This is a huge challenge to public servants, but this also gives us an opportunity to find ways to work more effectively together. The world has seen public servants pivot, support, and work tirelessly to make a difference, changing everything to keep the public safe and essential services going in this time of crisis.

While this blog post reflects work that we had planned to do before Coronavirus became such a significant global event (improving public sector leadership is one of our three goals for 2020) we feel it wouldn’t be right to write about our ongoing work without acknowledging these current issues and their effects.

This diagram has 3 corners that say: Leadership: Say / Do, Wellbeing: Self / Others, Climate: Perspective / Habits and shows our three areas of work for 2020.

One Team Gov continues to operate, our UK breakfast meet ups are happening online every Wednesday morning (details at the end of this post) welcoming attendees from across the UK, and we will continue to support our global family as these events progress. If you have ideas for any projects that would benefit from our support, please get in touch by leaving a comment on this blog post.

Exploring Future Leadership

We’ve written eight posts about our journey so far in exploring future leadership. You’ll find all of those using the link below.

One Team Gov believe that we can harness the collective creative response to the challenges thrown at public servants to explore and develop leadership. As a movement with groups across the world we are in a unique position that means we can capture living memory from public servants in the coming months and years as we respond to global crisis’. We want to support our leaders and future leaders to go into the unknown with courage, compassion, and care.

A photo of a poster designed by One Team Gov in Wales, it reads “Good leaders push power away from themselves”

That’s why we’re convening a global community to crowdsource a series of micro courses on Co-Leadership which encourage people to think about alternative ways to lead, strengthen our collective ability to lead (and be led) and show the power in the collective. These will be hosted on FutureLearn. We have defined Co-Leadership as collective, collaborative, and co-created in complex times.

FutureLearn is an open, online learning platform, changing millions of lives with online learning at In 2020, One Team Gov are teaming up with FutureLearn to release their first crowdsourced online course and we’re inviting you to co-create it with us.

Our objectives are:

  • We want to encourage alternative, radical new ways to lead, at all levels, underpinned by empathy, vulnerability, and collaboration.
  • These micro courses should help participants to get from where they are to the leader they would like to be.
  • These courses will be relevant and current, co-created in complex times.

We are concentrating on this fundamental question:

“How can we make sense of leadership in the 21st century?” in an environment which is unpredictable, rapidly changing, and in which no single actor controls

We posted a tweet asking people to submit their thoughts:

Tweet: How can we make sense of leadership in 21st century? In times like these, Jason Brewster and I wondered what One Team Gov might co-create as a series of micro courses on Co-Leadership. We would love your input!

We want to know what you think!

To help us to create our series of micro courses on Co-Leadership, we need your submissions in video, audio, or written form by 30th April 2020!

We have boiled this down to microactions you can take to share your ideas with us:

We’ve already started thinking about the question and themes for the course; you’ll find some of those in the Google doc linked below and you can build on these thoughts and ideas:

And finally, a huge thank you. This community is built on the kindness and generosity of public servants like you who go the extra mile to make government better for everyone.

Be part of One Team Gov Breakfast meet ups, every Wednesday at 8.30am GMT. We run these using Zoom which you can either access via your browser or by downloading the app.

The link to join is:



Nour Sidawi

Reflecting on the complexity of systems and making change in government @UKCivilService . Part of @OneTeamGov