Come and #HackTheSystem

This post sets out details about the #BureaucracyHack we’re holding on 3rd July — including venue, tickets and themes we intend to explore on the day. If you’re up to speed, you can apply for a ticket here.

Prateek Buch
2 min readMar 29, 2019


James set out the initial plans for hacking the bureaucracy in this post:

Since then, a small group of us have been meeting — well, Google Hangout-ing* — to discuss when and where the hack should take place, and the themes that we could cover up to and on the day.

We’re pleased to announce the bureaucracy hack will take place on 3rd July (09.30–16.30) at The Tomlinson Centre in Hackney.

As for the themes — or problems — that we’ll be tackling, here are the few we’ve set out to date:

Cate and Henry wrote about the difficulty of using online collaboration tools when working across organisational boundaries:

James wrote about hacking business cases, and has already created a couple of super-useful templates:

And Luke wrote about a theory he and I have — that reducing duplication in technical and data governance can speed up delivery:

The team has created a backlog of other potential themes to tackle on the day, and in the spirit of working in the open our Trello board is public — so if you would like to comment, or contribute new ideas, jump in!

We’re really looking forward to 3rd July when we get to #HackTheSystem. Wanna join us? You can apply for tickets using this form

… and use the comments here or Twitter (One Team Gov) to help us shape the agenda for the hack day — don’t forget to tag with #bureaucracyhack and #HackTheSystem.

*Hanging-out on Google? Google Hanging-out?



Prateek Buch

Data nerd, policy wonk, devoted father, sport fiend. Not in that order. Opinions mine, unless borrowed. #OneTeamGov