Exploring future leadership discovery workshop

The second blog post on the subject of exploring future leadership. The first can be found here.

Nour Sidawi
4 min readFeb 13, 2019


One Team Gov in Wales!

We’re writing this post to inform people about:

  • What’s going happen during the discovery workshop;
  • What they should be thinking about before they turn up; and,
  • What we are going to do with the outputs.

This will be one of a series of posts. You can share your views here, via @OneTeamGov on Twitter or by emailing contact@oneteamgov.uk.

Why we’re doing this

Improving public sector leadership is one of One Team Gov’s five goals for the coming year. We’ve been working with civil servants to develop a new perspective on leadership, and connecting with different people and groups thinking about alternative ways to lead. We wrote a blog post about the start of our journey in exploring future leadership here.

We had planned to do this over a different timescale and approach. After the first blog post, we established a regular cadence of Twitter conversations (here, here, here and here), and planned on sharing and writing up case studies on future leadership.

We started our thinking around leadership development in July 2018. It became a One Team Gov goal in September 2018.

However, our plans have been hastened by a series of online discussions that took place regarding the Future Leaders Scheme results in December 2018.

Online discsussion with James Arthur Cattell on the Future Leaders Scheme

We at One Team Gov, think of ourselves as a network, so we feel were in a good position to pull a lot of people together to facilitate and create action on the subject.

Before the day

  • If you haven’t signed up, then do so and come along on Friday 1 March 2019 at Nobel House, London SW1P 3JR.

Show us the data!

  • What data do you have on leadership, leadership development and its impact?
  • What data would you like to gather on leadership, leadership development and its impact?
  • What data would be useful for you to answer the discovery question of, “Leadership for what?”
  • You can add links on the collaborative document that’s available here or email it to contact@oneteamgov.uk with the subject ‘Leadership for what? discovery workshop’

During the day

  • Our discovery question for the day is, “Leadership for what?”

You may also want to think about:

  • How do we develop leaders outside of the current approach?
  • What is leadership development and who is it for?
  • Who do the current models of leadership development cater for? Who’s missing out or hasn’t been considered?
  • Is unmet demand for leadership development support outside of existing provision, and appetite to develop something community-led?
  • What would an updated leadership statement look like in a time of constant societal and technological change? Who would use it and how would we practically use it?
Civil Service Leadership Statement (ceated in 2016) identifying the 3 key characteristics that civil servants indicated they expect from their leaders.

Outputs from the day

  • We will be open about what we discussed during the day and what we created. It will be open and community-owned.
  • We will identify pain points, challenges, needs, missed opportunities, strengths of existing schemes.
  • We will connect different people to think about alternative ways to lead.
  • We will make sure people with influence, i.e. “the centre”, understand what we’ve done, so they can help us do something with it and be part of our journey.

Further reading

One Team Gov wrote about exploring future leadership:

Prateek Buch gave some thought to leadership in the UK Civil Service:

Audree Fletcher has been thinking about what One Team Gov leadership development scheme might look like:

Jenny Vass wrote quick notes about what was talked about at the One Team Gov breakfast on Wednesday mornings at 1 Horseguards Road on 19 December 2018. One of the topics that was discussed: “What question should I ask about nurturing rebels on talent schemes?”

We’re thinking about how we might be able to use the lessons in creating the Iraq Inquiry (Chilcot) Report’s Reasonable Challenge: A Guide (page 62 of the Good Operation Handbook) to co-design a vision and provide people with practical leadership to put into action.



Nour Sidawi

Reflecting on the complexity of systems and making change in government @UKCivilService . Part of @OneTeamGov