How not to suck at unconferences: What we learned from #OneTeamGovGlobal

James Reeve
Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2018
Global unconference organiser Morgan blowing bubbles

It’s been 8 days now since #OneTeamGovGlobal. It seems like yesterday. We did a huge amount and there’s been a tremendous impact. From what we’ve seen in blogs and from feedback people were pretty happy, but there are always things we could do to make it better next time.

We are big fans of continuous improvement. There’s a lot we can learn from what’s gone before. You might also have seen the first of our principles is to work in the open and positively.

Therefore we’re writing a set of blogposts for:

  • people organising their own events
  • people wanting to organise OneTeamGov events based on ours, including next year’s organising committee
  • the OneTeamGov community, funders and sponsors with whom we want to be open

We’re writing this so people can:

  • learn about what we did
  • repeat elements of our events quickly and easily
  • hold us to account

It made sense to us to do our reflections in the open as a mini-series of blogs.

Almost immediately after the event, James Arthur Cattell posted about what he'd learned about 10/25 crowdsourcing.

Watch this space for his 'how-to' video.

And Sam Villis has been carefully scouring twitter for blogposts (and there are quite a few) about people's experience of the day.

This is the first in a mini-series of blog posts which will look back at what we did and what we learned about creating huge global unconferences.

The rest of this mini series will have posts on:

  • People’s thoughts and feedback on the event
  • Trends we could pull out of attendance data (which we will also publish so that people can do data visualisation)
  • Money: what we raised and what we spent
  • How we planned a global unconference

Let us know if there’s anything else you’d like to know or other posts that you think we should do by replying to this post or replying on Twitter @OneTeamGov.



James Reeve

Husband, Dad, Chemist, former Head of Digital @ DfE, now Managing Partner @ TPXimpact. All views my own.