The MYOB team at #OTGWellbeingCamp

Mind… Your Own Business at Wellbeing Camp 2019

Motiya Rahman works at the Education and Skills Funding Agency and recently attended #OTGWellbeingCamp with a small group of volunteers to run a stand for their project, here she tells us all about their experience.

Published in
3 min readJul 5, 2019


My team was invited to the event to hold a stall for our project Mind….Your Own Business, hence the title! Our team aims to tell people all about the benefits of mindfulness, and support the Civil Service’s Vision to make it “A great place to work”.

Wow what a mind-blowing experience it was! Here is a 30 second clip to summarise the day;

We set up our stall next to A-Z to better wellbeing in the market hall with several other organisations including:

It was a very successful day for Mind….Your Own Business — we gave away 80 packs of Mind Bites and received over 60 contact details to distribute digitally. We collaborated with other organisations and picked up lots of tips.

The team offered a number of information packs called Mind Bites

The feeling of support here was overwhelming especially on our Twitter accounts. There was lots of tweeting and following and positive comments, I felt I was on a high days for after which made me realise the power that our support networks (tribe) have on us.

What did we hear and do?

Natasha Wallace from Conscious Works gave her personal story of an experience she encountered at her work place, as a result she left and set up her own business where she wrote a book called ‘The Conscious Effect’. The business offers coaching, workshop’s on various topics, female development and organisational healing.

I attended the laughter workshop; it was the first of this kind I had attended. Sharon from Joy Works was brilliant. The session taught me that laughter produces feel-good chemicals, endorphins, in the brain. This rejuvenates and accelerates the body’s healing process and is a natural painkiller. Laughter also decreases the body’s levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, and so improves relaxation. Even if we fake the laugh!!

How fascinating is that!? Read more on why laughter is the best medicine below.

Sharon got in contact with me few days after to give information about active wellbeing week.

The One Gov Team wellbeing camp was a well organised event. I have brought back lots of ideas and contact details, going forward I would like to do more in my workplace so my colleagues can experience this empowering and inclusive event.

Find out more about Mind… Your Own Business by following on Twitter @CS_MYOB



Service design and organisational change. Previously at: Social Finance, Local Digital Collaboration at DLUHC, GDS, Cabinet Office, M&CSaatchi.