Nesta Radical Visions brief

Help us to create our radical vision for the future of government. We need your submissions in video, audio or written form by 18th July!

Sam Villis
4 min readJun 19, 2019


A picture of a One Team Gov T-Shirt

What’s happened so far?

Nesta launched a challenge for people to imagine radical vision of the future of government, they want to build a collection which they plan to publish in September 2019.

A selection of One Team Gov members pitched an idea earlier this year and were successful! So now the work begins — eek!

You can find out all about it here:

What are we going to do?

We only have a few weeks to pull together the resources we need to build our vision – that’s where we need your help!

Our pitch stated that we would use our network to gather A diverse range of thoughts, so we’re currently gathering answers from our global One Team Gov community to a set question which you’ll find below.

We will turn this into into our collective radical vision for the future of government!

What do we need from you?

We need you to contribute your answers to the questions below by sending us either:

  • video
  • audio, or,
  • written responses.

You can do this individually or in groups, you could even record a conversation at any of the One Team Gov events and meetups happening globally.

Please send us your responses to one or both of the following questions:

What does your work look like in 2030, what has changed and what has stayed the same?


In the next 10 years what would need to change for you to be able to do your best work on behalf of citizens?

You might want to think about your existing roles or ways of working, or how technology might change how citizens perceive the work that we do. You might think that trust in governments, or the climate crisis are the biggest issues that will bring about change.

We want to know what you think!

We’ve already started thinking about the theme questions that NESTA have set and you’ll find some of those in the Google doc linked above which might give you some ideas.

We also used Westminster breakfast on Wednesday 5th June to gather some thoughts:

Ideas about our vision

Tips for creating video

If You’re taking video please remember to shoot landscape and NOT portrait! Smartphone video is totally acceptable!

If you have a lapel mic or a directional mic you can use then please do, otherwise be sure to record somewhere quiet to make sure that background noise is reduced.

If you don’t have a mic then please contact one of the One Team Gov crew and we will do our best to send you one of ours.

Please make sure that you get consent from anyone recorded, we will be transcribing thoughts and using them in a written submission and will also be creating a short film to accompany our submission. This video will be added to our YouTube channel.

Video consent form:

A note on languages…

Our One Team Gov community is now global, and lots of you have expressed an interest in submitting responses in various languages. We would love this!

If you are recording in another language and have time to provide a translation or even just a transcript this would be greatly appreciated. But it’s not imperative, we don’t want to create barriers to receiving good ideas, so we will be happy to receive whatever you can achieve.

When you send us your ideas please just state what language they are in, whether you’ve been able to provide a transcript or translation, and we will do the rest. Thank you!

How do I get my video or audio to you?

Please drop your video to us by email along with the consent form for the person recorded by midnight on 18 July 2019.

Please use NESTA RADICAL and the name of the video participant/s or event in the subject line.

Our email address is

If you have any questions or comments please let us know via email or on Twitter.

And finally, a huge thank you. This community is built on the kindness and generosity of public servants like you who go the extra mile to make government better for everyone.



Sam Villis

Service design and organisational change. Previously at: Social Finance, Local Digital Collaboration at DLUHC, GDS, Cabinet Office, M&CSaatchi.