One Team Gov Exploring Future Leadership Blogroll!

This blogroll signposts all of the relevant blogs about our work on exploring future leadership.

Nour Sidawi
3 min readDec 20, 2019


Civil Service Directors Network Event, May 2019

First off, why are we doing this?

Our findings from the Leadership Discovery Workshop we ran on 1 March 2019:

What we’re going to do next and how we plan to take our discovery on exploring future leadership forward:

We’ve teamed up with the Civil Service Directors’ Network and Civil Service Group to develop collective leadership in the Civil Service:

Join us at One Team Gov’s Global Online Workshop: Exploring Future Leadership:

We’re convening a global community to crowdsource a series of micro courses on Co-Leadership in collaboration with FutureLearn. We have defined Co-Leadership as collective, collaborative, and co-created in complex times:

We have teamed up with the Directors’ Network and the National Leadership Centre to develop collective leadership in the Civil Service. All of the relevant blogs about our work with them here:

To improve how we work we have to unashamedly call out the problems we see. Rose Mortada and James Reeve have openly shared their thoughts in this excellent series of digital leadership blog posts:



Nour Sidawi

Reflecting on the complexity of systems and making change in government @UKCivilService . Part of @OneTeamGov