Exploring Future Leadership with the Directors’ Network

This blogroll signposts all of the relevant blogs about our work on exploring future leadership with the Directors’ Network

Nour Sidawi
3 min readApr 7, 2020


This blog series are written by the Directors’ Network, supported by One Team Gov and the National Leadership Centre.

Clare Moriarty (DExEU Permanent Secretary) modelling vulnerability, self-reflection and openness by sharing personal reflections on thriving at work at times of great uncertainty and high personal risk. Clare is joined by Kate Josephs and David Hallam, founders of the Directors’ Network.

One Team Gov have teamed up with the Directors’ Network and and the National Leadership Centre to develop collective leadership in the Civil Service and wider public sector.

First off, why are we doing this? Our story of making it happen…

One Team Gov shared the framework for change to strengthen our collective ability to lead and be led, and continue to show the power in the collective:

The Directors’ Network is exploring collective leadership through the lens of these three areas:

Directors’ Network goals for 2020: How do we lead collectively?, How do we work differently together?, and How do we lead inclusively?

The Directors’ Network shares its reflections on navigating participant-led breakfast calls:

The Directors’ Network shares its reflections on what is has actually achieved:

We will continue to add posts here as we publish more of them.

Further reading

One Team Gov goals for 2020:



Nour Sidawi

Reflecting on the complexity of systems and making change in government @UKCivilService . Part of @OneTeamGov