Be compassionate to others. #OneTeamGovGlobal

One Team Gov Wellbeing Camp

The second post about the One Team Gov Wellbeing Camp taking place in Cloth Hall Court, Leeds on 6 June 2019.

Nour Sidawi
Published in
3 min readApr 3, 2019


If you already know you want to come, you can apply here:

You’ll find the previous post we’ve written on this theme:

We’re writing this post to share our plans for Wellbeing Camp:

  • It’s on Thursday 6 June 2019, from 10am — 4pm.
  • It’s in Cloth Hall Court, Leeds.
  • The theme is inclusion, and,
  • you should tweet at us (use #OTGWellbeingCamp) if you’d like to host a session.

If you want to know more:

We’ve previously set out five goals for One Team Gov in the coming year, this includes Diversity and Inclusion.

This is at the heart of our overall aim to improve the way we work, because everyone deserves to work in a more inclusive environment. We believe that when people to be able to be themselves at work we welcome more diverse voices that in turn help us to produce better services and outcomes for citizens. This is stated on our fourth principle, and you can read more about our principles below.

So on Thursday 6 June 2019, we are running Wellbeing Camp. Our communities are telling us that they’d like to talk more about wellbeing and inclusion; that public servants need to know more about how we create an inclusive culture and, crucially, take care of each other.

The event will look in more detail at inclusion and the impact this can have on our wellbeing. We are all human. Inclusion is about you, me, and all of us; it is about belonging, purpose and wellbeing.

This is One Team Gov’s commitment to creating a safe space to start this conversation.

We’re currently working on the content of the day but there will be talks, demos, workshops and safe spaces to hold more personal conversations.


  • If you want to attend, save the date, Thursday 6th June, in your diary 📅.
  • You can apply here:

We want the event to be representative and space is limited, so we’re running an application system for tickets to ensure we have diversity of attendees.

Other ways to be involved:

  • If you want to volunteer, tell us via Twitter, comment on this post 👇 or We’ll be inviting people to volunteer formally when invitations go out later in the year.
  • Keep up with the news @OneTeamGov on Twitter or via our newsletter, which you can subscribe to by emailing
  • Finally, if you love the idea and have some free time… you can join the organising team. DM me on twitter @noursidawi or let us know @OneTeamGov if you’d like to join up.

We can’t wait to hear from you.

The One Team Gov Team!

Further reading



Nour Sidawi

Reflecting on the complexity of systems and making change in government @UKCivilService . Part of @OneTeamGov