Attendees at One Team Gov Global, July 2018, blowing bubbles

One Team Gov Wellbeing Camp blogroll!

We’re holding an event all about inclusion and wellbeing, it’s taking place at Cloth Hall Court, Leeds on 6 June 2019. This blogroll signposts all of the relevant blogs about the event.

Sam Villis
Published in
3 min readApr 28, 2019


Why are we doing this?

First off, why are we doing this?

Find out more and sign up here:

If you need to persuade someone to let you attend, our template business case should help:

Wellbeing Camp template business case for attendees

And find out more about how the day will run here, including how we’re trying to make sure its as inclusive and supportive an event as possible:

Find out more about how we hope to make the day as inclusive and welcoming as possible:

Here Nour talks about her experiences of grief and wellbeing at work in a very powerful post:

Find out more about what The Charity for Civil Servants and Civil Service Sports Council have in store for you on the day…

What happened at Wellbeing Camp?

What did we learn?

We will continue to add posts here as we publish more of them.



Sam Villis

Service design and organisational change. Previously at: Social Finance, Local Digital Collaboration at DLUHC, GDS, Cabinet Office, M&CSaatchi.