One Team Gov’s Global Online Exploring Future Leadership Workshop — Logistics

Find out more about the One Team Gov online global workshop taking place on 11 and 12 February 2020. We’re running this during the Fire Starter Festival 2020; celebrating creativity and innovation in Public Services.

Nour Sidawi
4 min readJan 26, 2020


Laura Sorvala works on her artwork at One Team Gov Global in London, July 2018

If you already know you want to come, you can apply here:

What can I expect from the workshop?

The workshop structure has been designed as follows:

  • One speaker talking about a topic and their personal reflection
  • Shared discussion about that topic
  • Final reflection — both as a group and as individuals

We have put time into thinking about what techniques may help us. We’ll be using Liberating Structures techniques to facilitate each workshop, based on a format previously used by Nour and Jason in “real life” sessions.

You can read about those workshops here:

If you haven’t been to a One Team Gov event before you’re in for a treat!

What will I need?

  • An open heart, an energised mind, your best listening ears, and passion.
  • A good, reliable internet connection.
  • Access to Zoom video conferencing software. Some organisations block access to Zoom, and so you may need to attend the workshop on a personal device.
  • A pen and paper.
  • Headphones and a microphone either via your device or using a headset so that you can listen, speak and take notes concurrently.
  • Some water/sustenance. This will be work for you, make sure your body is as ready as it can be!

We will send all the links you need in advance of the workshop through Eventbrite — so you’ll be able to test your access ahead of time . You’ll need to ensure you’re signed up for the workshop to receive the links.

When are the workshops taking place?

We are holding three workshops, at varying times, to suit our global community. Broadly speaking we have selected times which suit our friends in Australia, Canada and Europe, but we welcome attendees from anywhere in the world to any of the sessions.

One Team Gov Australia and New Zealand Logos

Workshop 1: Australia and New Zealand, 11 February 2020

Best suited for our friends in Australia and New Zealand this workshop will take place at:

  • 09:30–12:30 (Australian Eastern Daylight Time, Canberra, Australia)
  • 11:30–14:30 (New Zealand Daylight Time, Wellington, New Zealand)

You are welcome to join this workshop from other parts of the world, some indicative times for this are:

  • 17:30–20:30 (Eastern Standard Time, Ottawa, Canada)
  • 10 February 2020: 22:30–01:30 (Greenwich Mean Time, London, UK)
One Team Gov Canada logos in English and in French

Workshop 2: Canada, 11 February 2020

Best suited to our friends in Canada this workshop will take place at:

  • 15:00–18:00 (Eastern Standard Time, Ottawa, Canada)

You are welcome to join this workshop from other parts of the world, some indicative times for this are:

  • 20:00–23:00 (Greenwich Mean Time, London, United Kingdom)
  • 12 February 2020 from 07:00–10:00 (Australian Eastern Daylight Time, Canberra, Australia)
  • 12 February 2020 from 09:00–12:00 (New Zealand Daylight Time, Wellington, New Zealand)
The One Team Gov Logo

Workshop 3: United Kingdom and Europe, 12 February 2020

Best suited to our friends in the UK and Europe this workshop will take place at:

  • 11:00–14:00 (Greenwich Mean Time, London, United Kingdom)
  • 13:00–16:00 (Eastern European Standard Time, Helsinki, Finland)

You are welcome to join this workshop from other parts of the world, some indicative times for this are:

  • 22:00–01:00 (Australian Eastern Daylight Time, Canberra, Australia)
  • 06:00–09:00 (Eastern Standard Time, Ottawa, Canada)

What are our guiding principles for the workshops?

We will be separated by time, space, capability, capacity, language, motive. So, we have a code of conduct for the workshops:

You’ll find the previous posts we’ve written on the theme of exploring future leadership here:

And, lastly…

Thank you so much for coming. But more than that, thank you so much for believing in the art of the possible, that we can be better and that by listening to others and learning together we will be richer as a result.

We’re so looking forward to seeing you! Thanks for contributing your time and energy to this workshop.

The One Team Gov Team!

Contact Us

Please get in touch via OneTeamGov on Twitter, or by email



Nour Sidawi

Reflecting on the complexity of systems and making change in government @UKCivilService . Part of @OneTeamGov