The One Team Gov Global story

One Team Gov Global unconference is coming!

Sam Villis
3 min readMay 11, 2018


We are getting ever closer to the day! To find out more about what will be happening on July 16th read DavidBuck’s brilliant blog here:

Find out more about how we will be running pitching at #OneTeamGovGlobal with this blog by James

The Park is the centre of the event where we will be hosting a number of fun activities throughout the day. Find out more, and the schedule for the day with Morgan below:

What swag is there going to be at the event? Responsible and sustainable swag actually… This blog by Debbie and merchandise lead Jenny explains why.

We need over 100 volunteers to help us make sure the event runs smoothly. Jenny, one of our volunteer leads tells us more:

What is #OneTeamGovGobal?

Never been to an unconference before? This brilliant blog by Helen Beavan give you a good view of what it is and how it can unleash creativity in the public sector:

Because we are running an unconference we don’t have keynote speakers or guests, all of the agenda will be decided on the day, but we think there might be some themes that people will want to talk about.

Find out more about some of those themes here:

If you want to come but you need to persuade your workplace, you can download a template Business Case here which you can amend to fit your situation. We hope it helps!

We need sponsors to make all of this happen! If you’re interested in sponsoring the event you can do that here:



Sam Villis

Service design and organisational change. Previously at: Social Finance, Local Digital Collaboration at DLUHC, GDS, Cabinet Office, M&CSaatchi.