What happened at Wellbeing Camp?

Find out all about what happened on the day through the people who were there.

Sam Villis
3 min readJun 28, 2019


Some lovely sketchnotes taken at Wellbeing Camp

Many people have blogged about their day, and we are collecting those blogs here.

#OTGWellbeingCamp put wellbeing at the heart of everything that public servants do. It was a celebration of wellbeing, full of inspiration and practical actions In this short video, we explain why.

Read all about Jackie’s experiences of using Crafting to support wellbeing, and find out all about #FrogOnARock

Regan has done a lovely write up of a number of the sessions on the day, which you’ll find below:

Motiya talks us through the Mind… Your Own Business and their experience:

Neel talks about what he’s taking away from the day:

Simon talks about what it’s like being part of an organising team:

Nadine Smith has some wonderful reflections about authenticity, belonging, trust, and compassion in public service and the need for leaders to have difficult conversations:

Amanda ran sessions on Weeknotes and digital wellbeing. Her weeknotes are here:

Sam Villis volunteered in various places around the day. Here are her weeknotes featuring her thoughts on the event:

Steve Parks volunteered on the day and shares his thoughts here:

@regan_kateren recaps her experience at Wellbeing camp here:

If you’re interested in writing a post about your experiences, or if you have published already and it’s not included here please let us know by commenting below or contacting us on contact@oneteamgov.co.uk




Sam Villis

Service design and organisational change. Previously at: Social Finance, Local Digital Collaboration at DLUHC, GDS, Cabinet Office, M&CSaatchi.