
Anti Anti Antivirus Virus

One of six short stories

Ben Stokman
OneTwentyEight Blog


Zürich. Credit: Virginia Duran
Listen to the audio version

1. The virtual reality must be able to be run on a generic home computer, and may not be owned by one, or multiple coordinating parties

John never really liked his job.

It’s not that he despised it, it paid nicely and he was doing something that he liked, but he thought it ironic to be making something that would replace him, though he always said that he had to do it to make money, and that he made the choice himself to go into the field of AI.

John worked as a lead AI specialist for CM Security, which means that he connected the antivirus specialists to the AI team.

Every day, he would have to get up and take a hour long bus ride into downtown Zürich, and pay a ridiculous amount of ether, something like 25 micro ether, due to the Swiss law only allowing virtual reality to be in arcades.

He always complained about how old the equipment played horribly, or how it was really heavy compared to the other VR equipment that he used in other places around the world.

The server that we used is hosted on the domain, the password was a voice test, comprised of 15 random words so a recording could not fool our security.

He was late that day, of January 17th, due to heavy snow. “Sorry I’m late” John exclaimed as he rushed into the virtual meeting room. “Snow?” I asked. “Snow” he affirmed.

“Anyway,” the virus specialist started, “now that we’re all here, let us get started. I checked the network this morning, offline of course, and I saw a little piece of code that was just sitting in our core download servers.”

“It wasn’t doing anything, it was just sitting there, almost wanting to be found. I imaged the server, and fed the virus to our classic anti-virus, and cleared it out.”

“Upon further inspection, it seemed to change the live copy of the virus with one that sent usage and hard drive data back to an IP in Virginia, south of Washington DC. Immediately, I shut down the update server, and switched it over to the backup one, which replaced all of the bad code on peoples computers with the good one.”

“What about the IP?” I asked.

“It was a dead end. The IP didn’t exist, however the ISP that the IP pointed to said that they did receive about 300 exabytes of ESDCA encrypted information from IPs all over the world, it was thrown out though”

“So someone had access to the ISP” I suggested

“Or the D.I.A. local server, which also sees the traffic that the ISP has, but only to that extent, the traffic came from all over, land cables, sea cables, and the satilite network”

“I reported the findings to the FBI, which couldn’t find anything, whoever holds the data either transferred it through multiple, masked IPs, or just kept it in drives” I said.

“The ISP did take note on the IP addresses that the traffic came from, which matches the IPs that connect to the download server, including the government ones,” The leagal advisor explained, “So this virus is stealing the private information off of our clients’ devices, in clear violation of our terms.”

“This is why I needed John in the room; the virus contained a transaction which payed John’s work etherium address 50 mili-ether from the public key that was used to encrypt the stolen data from our clients; the transaction was linked to a contract that would be paid after the response to the download server matched the bad code.”

“The download authentication key used in the contract was a key that was never linked to an IP, and was paid from an address that had no contact, and no other transactions.”

The head of product asked everyone to leave except John; the next thing I know, I’m called to testify.

“Thank you Ms. Eldridge” the person in the Judge’s chair said. “How do you think the virus was implemented?”

“I think the virus was implemented via the old, vulnerable, hardware that John used to log in using his administrator account.”

“Do you think John is innocent?”

“Yes, your honor, Personally, I think he is innocent, the 0.05 ether that he was suppositively paid was less than half of his yearly income, however, it is very possible that he could be setting this up as he is being framed.”

“Thank you for your time Ms. Eldridge, that will be all.”

“Are you sure the alternate virus is implemented?” The man said as Ms. Eldridge met with him later that night.

“Certain, you can check it with your other burn accounts”

“Make sure to keep the artificial intelligence and antivirus teams unbeknownst to the virus using your new position. I have rewarded you with the remaining 500 mili-ether, you will be paid more when I get what I need.”

“Ill keep in touch”

