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Everything Has a Ripple Effect

Even the simplest of thoughts makes a ripple

Natalie Jeanne Maddy
Published in
8 min readJun 20, 2020


“Small things, the tiny details, these are the things that matter in life — the little glint in the eye, curve of a lip, nod of a head, wave of a hand — such minuscule movements have huge ripple effects.”
Shaun Hick

Sometimes we go through life without realizing our impact on others. Maybe it’s because we feel so low — not even entertaining the thought that we could somehow make a difference to anyone at all, even if just one other person. Or maybe it’s because we feel so unimportant or unnoticed, as we stroll through life unaware of anyone else but ourselves and our small circle of friends and/or co-workers.

But what if we slowed down to think about every single interaction we share with another human being, even if just a passer-by who we gift a smile? A compliment? A wink? Or what about that customer who comes in who is seemingly having a rough day, and we provide just a small act of comfort by asking them if they’re okay? God forbid, no one else asked them if they’re okay, except you. Or that friend who called you just to hear another’s voice, but you’re the only one who actually answered, unbeknownst to you? What about that person for whom you held open the door, who was in a hurry to go cry themselves to sleep, until you showed kindness to them, just by…



Natalie Jeanne Maddy

I try to rouse others to find their truths by writing about my own!💋Yoga, meditation, and aromatherapy teacher. Author of 5 books — thriller, healing, poetry.